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Status Updates posted by Qualia

  1. Good to be back. I promise to reply to all posts etc over the next day or so. I hope everyone had a good August :-)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Qualia


      Thank you all for your kind words. It really is nice to be back and to see such warm and tender folk. Thank you :-)

    3. Pig


      Welcome back Mr Gough

    4. Piero


      A warm welcome back, Rob! :)

  2. It is so hot outside. The soles of my feet were beginning to 'burn' through my trainers as I observed the Sun!

    1. Pig


      reminds me of the song "Under The Boardwalk"

    2. Luke


      Nice to feel the object you are observing! :D I do feel a closeness with lunar and solar that isn't quite there with deep sky, though of course DSO's have a charm of their own too.

    3. jetstream


      The power of the sun is awe inspiring. It never ceases to amaze me. Take care in this heat Rob.

  3. Interesting set of active regions, loops, spikes, surges and a hedgerow type prominence some 211,000 km long and perhaps as much as 80,000km high on the Sun today. If you get a chance today the solstice sun is worth checking out :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jabeoo1


      Managed a look, its a spectacular sight. The sun is really flexing its plasma today.

    3. DRT


      Sounds great, Rob - horrible weather here this weekend so no solar for the third week in a row :-(

      211,000km is a very precise measurement - what are you using to gauge that?

    4. Qualia


      Sorry to hear about the weather :-( It's a right pain when it's not clear. Derek, I use a micro-guide from Baader. It's only a guesstimate but it helps frame a general idea :-)

  4. Best experience of Saturn this year. Sharp and complex at 300x :-) Sun in both WL & H-a is also rather handsome this morning. Going to the beach today but will try to make a little report with the drawings later. Happy Saturday everyone :-)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. faulksy


      nice one rob, had a good night on saturn thursday using my 5mm pentax lovely strong views, but there was a slight double , found out i was looking through the mesh on the kids trampoline lol

    3. Qualia


      Thank you for your kind comments :-) Luke, I hope you'll be able to salvage something from the images. Faulsky, two Saturns can't be a bad thing :-) Gerry, for once I think I was able to get a hint of the seeing you get in Canada :-) Shaun, thank you :-)

    4. Luke


      Thanks, Rob, images should be fine, I took some new ones to replace the blurry ones! It meant I had to play dodge the clouds for a bit, but lucky escape :) No time for such schoolboy errors during the week!

  5. Sun is rather fetching today; huge hedgerow complex on the western limb :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luke


      Nice heads up, Rob, what a fine hedgerow :) I thought the main spot had some nice activity around it too, it looked like there was a little flaring going on when I was out, inbetween the customary weekend clouds :D

    3. jabeoo1


      Nice! Although the haze is not helping the detail. Massive & wide hedgerow. Cheers Rob.

    4. Qualia


      Thanks for the replies :-) Hope you all had a nice session :-)

  6. Hot today and tomorrow more so. Today is already 38ºC and tomorrow they reckon that'll climb to around 45ºC. Anyway, Sun looks rather charming and well worth a visit in white light or h-alpha :-)

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      45ºC -ouch! I like my Sunshine but......

  7. Not sure if I'll stay up all night, but it's been a cracking evening. 2am, clear skies and still in t-shirt and shorts :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Sounds great Rob, I haven't seen blue sky or stars for a week now.. jus constant wind or rain or both.

    3. Qualia


      A lot of April was like that here; rain, clouds. Looks like summer is beginning now but the weather in 'Valencia' is some of the worse I've seen in Spain. A lot of heat in the daytime and come night, a lot of cloud. Hopefully this year will be better....

    4. scarp15


      Been raining here, looks better for backyard tonight, next two wkends will be looking for a crack at some dark sky, after which perhaps becoming too light.

  8. 1st proper day of the year :-) 37ºC, so went to the beach. Took the sun scope and had a wee session. Very pleasant.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      I guess next week will be hot and muggy here, Shaun but today, the clouds cleared. I have to do the weeks shopping but when I get back I'll post up a few sketches.

    3. Pig


      Sounds excellent Rob, I was in North Italy last week and the weather was lovely...not over warm but some lovely clear days.

    4. JB80


      A couple more weeks of this and the pool will be warm enough for a swim. :) Good to hear you are enjoying the nice weather Rob.

  9. Sorry about my absence this week. I will make up for it this weekend. Hope everyone is enjoying the Sun this morning :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cotterless45


      Welcome back ! We've a cold front meeting a warm one !

    3. nightfisher


      welcome back rob, i hope you got every thing done in the UK that needed doing, chin up mate

    4. Luke


      Good luck Rob for some Super Solar! I was very happy to catch a few little patches this morning, the forecast was dire.

  10. Active sun woth seeing today, if you get a chance :-)

    1. toilandtrouble123


      Ordering some Baader solar filter sheets in a fortnight, with the other half promising to make me a filter for my refractor and DSLR's :) Never tried solar obs before

    2. Pig


      You are not kidding Rob, its a cracker for both Ha and white light.

    3. jabeoo1


      Damn I have been busy DIY today, missed the whole show. Looks good for the week though so hopefully tomorrow :)

  11. Hot today. Perfect beach weather with over 30ºC in the morning Sun. Nice prominence activity on western limb. The main section is as much as 85,000km in height.

    1. tingting44


      ok for some lol :)

      i do love spain

    2. Pig


      I just got my first view in quite some time :-) very impressive..30 degrees what is that !!!

  12. Lovely evening: Jupiter, GRS transit, Galaxies, Double and just sitting back and taking it all in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Nice one Rob :-) We have had two lovely clear nights here but I have been too tired to go outside. Roll on the weekend.

    3. jabeoo1


      You lucky man the forecast here from now is cloud for a week. Hopefully they are wrong like the normal 50% of the time.

    4. Tums


      Got an unexpected break in the cloud for an hour got some Moon shots,just lining up on Jupiter, cloud came back, now inside having a beer. ;)

  13. If anyone has clear skies tonight and a little time, could they check out NGC 3190. I swear I saw a star in the line of sight, so it looked like the star was embedded within the galaxy. The strange thing is, I can't find any reference to the star?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Qualia


      That is a great help, Scooot. Thank you. It really is a bright galaxy and quite playful in its way. Since last observing, we've had nothing but rain and cloud. When it clears, I will head out and see if I can properly discern what is going on. Quite frustrating really. Thank you again.

    3. JB80


      At the moment the weather is quite good here so hopefully it is the same for you and it will hold off for tonight.

    4. Qualia


      No. It's tipping down and cloudy and has been like this all week. I think it will begin to clear up around Sunday :-(

  14. Wow! It's hot today. Perfect for the beach.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Qualia


      SNOWING!! Oh boy. Okay, I'm going to rub it in a little more :-) :-) Just been out setting up under deep dark blue skies, in a...wait for it...T--shirt :-) Already seen Venus, Mercury, & Mars set within a gorgeous orange sunset. Will wait until the skies are properly dark before I dip and duck and soar between the stars :-) Snowing you say, SNOWING!! Oh, boy :-)

    3. jetstream


      lol! Qualia! I'm bundling up for an adventure tonight in -39c with the windchil... not sure whether to go hunting or relax and see my favorite sights. Any advice from your lawnchair?lol! :)

    4. Qualia


      -39ºC. You serious, Gerry!! That's nutty weather :-) I just don't know what to say. I think I'd be a bear and curl up until summer :-)

  15. Lovely night out tonight. Everything in the night sky just seemed so peaceful and so pretty.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Thanks, Gerry, You're a gentlemen. I will try to post up a few report-sketches this morning before work :-)

    3. foundaplanet


      The night sky was a beautiful sight here tonight also.. :) First I've I've taken it all in for a long time.

    4. Qualia


      Glad to see you foundaplanet! How's everything going?

  16. Gorgeous spotty sun today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Thanks, David. I have to go to work right now, but I'll quicky post up a rough sketch in the solar section :-)

    3. Qualia


      Ok, all done. Now I must dash :-)

    4. Pig


      The weekend is looking promising here, so fingers crossed it stays that way :-)

  17. In the last 12 nights 11 have been clear. Not winding up anyone, honest :-)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. YKSE


      Quite opposite what we have here, only 2 half clear nights in a month

    3. AndyWB


      And they always seem to be near the full moon...

    4. Qualia


      That's very true, Andy! The 1st and 2nd were patchy as JB80 noted, the 3rd was cloud covered and then bang! Big Moon for the rest of the week even though the skies were clear. What makes matters worse is that I can't start viewing till after midnight, so no quick sessions before the moon rises. Hopefully, this and next week will remain clear.

  18. Stunning evening. Great skies and great session.

    1. jetstream


      Have a fantastic session Qualia!

    2. nightfisher


      Great, maybe you will get very good skies after all

  19. Clear skies, seeing a crisp 5/5, scope collimated to a tee, frac itching for a cluster or double and...a near full moon. I love the Moon but not tonight :-)

    1. Joel Shepherd

      Joel Shepherd

      I feel your pain. Open clusters around Cassiopeia are an antidote. :-)

    2. Pig


      It certainly was a cracking night, very cold here though brrrr

    3. Ant


      Sounds great Rob, shame the good nights are always around new moon.

  20. 1st all nighter of the season. Bit of a mix bag; clear skies but I've never witnessed so much humidity. The Tal, Eyepieces, books, 10" shroud sopping.

  21. The rain in Spain falls mainly......where I'm living :-)

    1. Pig


      LoL, The rain in Spain falls mainly in England

    2. JB80


      It was certainly a good one last night.

  22. Stephen Hawking is in Tenerife this week and they're just about to show his talk on prime time TV (translated, of course). Be back in an hour :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Qualia


      It was alright. Light but alright :-)

    3. ghostdance


      Light but not slight eh? ;)

      Good to hear that SH got on primetime, wonder if BBC4 will ever screen it?

    4. JB80


      Really? Missed it.

  23. Back on line! It is late now, so I will write more tomorrow. It's good to be back :-)

  24. Mars, Moon and Saturn looked gorgeous tonight.

    1. YKSE


      looking forward to a nice report

  25. 3 nights on the trot. Transparency, seeing 5/5. Another hot, cloudless day today; blue skies and a gorgeous burning Sun. Next few days will be Martian time, so hopefully will have something to report this week. Sorry for lack of activity but will make ammends. Hope everyone is well and you all enjoyed SGL9.

    1. jetstream


      Qualia,we are looking forward to your reports and maybe some more great sketches!

    2. Marki


      Wot he said :)

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