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Astro New Year resolutions


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cus at my old age Humping is not what i like to do

:) :)

My lips are well and truly sealed.... :silent:

My New Years resolution is pretty much the same as Phils, pay more attention to planning, try to be a lot more organised, and spend more less money!!... :lol:


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I think mine will be, to make more time to practise the hobby!! :?. Mind you I have to travel around a bit in January (Scotland & Manchester)

Merry Christmas all. And heres to clear skies for 2007! :)


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1) Use more Planning (Deep Sky Planner!)

2) Keep an Observing Log

3) Limit the imaging side to 1 in 3 sessions (until I get the shed up :) )

4) Learn stuff!!

5) Start variable star observing

That should be enough to fail on :lol:

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I have several:

1. Keep a log (my observing is very haphazard and unstructured).

2. Become more familiar with the Moon.

3. Practise imaging.

4. Buy a good Grab & Go with a suitable mount.

5. Settle on one eyepiece brand/type (I have had enough of all this chopping and changing!)

Actually, make that two brand/types - I can't imagine astronomy without orthoscopics!

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I have equipment buysell burn-out and resolve never to buy another piece of optical stuff ever again! My resolution is to go back to what I did when I was a young lad of 12, sit out at night in a deckchair and take in the views and ponder my place in the universe. :)


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Join a local astronomy club. (been saying this for the last couple of years)

Take a different appoach to Astrophotography:

Stick with one target each night instead of the usual go for everything and rush the pics:)

Learn more about image processing.

Be more active in this forum :lol:

Attend a star party.

Enjoy this fantastic hobby (even when I`m freezing me nut`s off) :)

Alan D

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Mine are:

1. Join an Astronomy Club.

2. Stop buying and selling gear and use what I have now got - I've been a member of SGL for 13 months now and during that time I've bought and sold 6 scopes !! (and god knows how many eyepieces). Don't blame SGL though..... it's my weakness.

3. Find a truly dark site to see what my kit can really do.


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I have 5:

a/ find a new way (or old forgotten way) to enjoy the hobby without DSLR imaging. Life without the DSLR (and the ED100 and HEQ5) sucks :lol:

b/ 2007 will be about planets for me. Learn more about them. Do more visual stuff as well as the imaging!

c/ try harder to find the moon interesting. it's been 3 years since i last imaged it, perhaps 2007 is the time to try again!

d/ life after Buy'n'sell sucks too...........find other ways to enjoy the hobby without UK Buy'n'sell

e/ oh and win the damn lottery!

I think that covers it for me.

Have a good Christmas all :)

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