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Orion Belt and Sword

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Very good indeed,the second one has M42,Flame and HH area all showing well.

Is there a hint of Barnard's Loop there as well ?? or am i imagining it.There are certainly a few faint red curves showing.

What lens did you use?

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Thanks for those comments - Saturn5 - you're not imagining it - Barnard's loop is just becoming visible - I tried hard to bring it out but the light pollution just defeated me. Unfortuantely, as Orion get's higher in the sky it becomes obscured behind my neighbour's trees so I have to image it lower in the sky, pointing right over Chester City Centre - not even the CLS LP filter can remove all the LP.

The first image is taken with 8 second exposures at F5.6 with a Tamron 70-300mm lense (at 70mm) ISO1600 - just 5 subs - camera on the camera tripod, so no tracking.

For the second picture, the camera was on the telescope mount tracking. Same settings except exposure length of 2.5 minutes - 27 subs.

I do want to improve on this so I'll be experimenting with different settings to try and bring out more of Barnard's loop

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Thanks for those comments - Saturn5 - you're not imagining it - Barnard's loop is just becoming visible - I tried hard to bring it out but the light pollution just defeated me. Unfortuantely, as Orion get's higher in the sky it becomes obscured behind my neighbour's trees so I have to image it lower in the sky, pointing right over Chester City Centre - not even the CLS LP filter can remove all the LP.

The first image is taken with 8 second exposures at F5.6 with a Tamron 70-300mm lense (at 70mm) ISO1600 - just 5 subs - camera on the camera tripod, so no tracking.

For the second picture, the camera was on the telescope mount tracking. Same settings except exposure length of 2.5 minutes - 27 subs.

I do want to improve on this so I'll be experimenting with different settings to try and bring out more of Barnard's loop

I have the same trouble with Orion,i'm shooting right over roof tops and across the town to get it but now i've got the little Merlin goto i'll get out of town and give it a go.

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Great pictures, the only thing about this is people say nice picture of the horsehead and barnards loop but I do not have a clue what these things are, anyone mark the picture up.

I find this in the sky at night magazine as well. Only useful if you have unlimited knowledge of the universe.

Not being critical more of a cry for help!

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Thanks for those comments - Shibby - Yes Betelgeuse is just out of frame. Until more pennies come along for a good Canon EF 50mm lense (about £80) I'm stuck using my Tamron at its lowest zoom of 70mm so the FOV isn't quite as wide as I would like. BTW - the 1000D is unmodded. Again, the money pot has dried up so I can;t afford to get it modded at the moment and having read the articles there is no way I'm going to use my "pork sausage" fingers to try and do the mod myself.

Kerrp - my sympathies. It's sometimes a hard learning curve and I know what you mean. I'll post the image again shortly with labels for you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am just about to receive my piggyback mount for my CPC800 and wanted to use my canon 500d to take some wideangle shots of orions belt.

I want to know how I set up my camera in terms of focusing to infinity. This is with the standard 18-55 EFs lense that came with the camera.



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  • 8 months later...

Liking the second image. I can see Barnards Loop just. It's one of those tough faint targets that really needs a dark sky site to begin showing well. Even here in rural Wales I have struggled to image it. I'll have another crack at it this winter when Orion gets higher. I'm considering using multiple exposures some with deep red (H-alpha) type filters mixed with shorter unfiltered shots.

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Very good indeed,the second one has M42,Flame and HH area all showing well.

Is there a hint of Barnard's Loop there as well ?? or am i imagining it.There are certainly a few faint red curves showing.

What lens did you use?

I think that your right Stewart! Barnard's loop does look like it's there. Thats pretty damn good for an unmodded camera isn't it?

Certainly better than anything that I've ever managed to get.

Well done and congratulations - the first M42 that I've seen this time round :)


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