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Who Has A Clear Sky Tonight ?


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Thought it may be fun to share location and sky state.

NE Fife - 1700 Sky is clear and darkening , astro twilight at 1734 :) 

Just home from work and straight out to observatory before I got into the house to get the roof rolled back. Happy days we have a genuine clear sky tonight (fingers crossed it lasts). Good luck all. 


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Not me, in mid Cornwall. Totally clouded out this evening, but can't really complain as the last 7 nights have been mainly clear (bar a little intermittent cloud).

Regards, Mike.

Edited by mcrowle
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Cloudy all day and all night for sure here in Shropshire. Maybe a couple of nights next week as the waxing moon gets going.

The heat pump is working overtime trying to keep the house warm.

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11 minutes ago, bosun21 said:

Solid cloud cover here in Oxford. Can’t complain as Tuesday and Wednesday were clear albeit with poor seeing and transparency.

Cloudy in Watford, but same as you, Tuesday and Wednesday were clear. Seeing was terrible on Tuesday, pretty good on Wednesday.

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Worse Cloud in 7yrs in my area of W/Yorkshire, now into 47 nights of cloud ! however, supposedly a couple of reasonable nights coming up, missed targets around Orion last year so hoping to grab something this year.

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It's been pretty much clear the last few nights here in Texas.  That's supposed to change with an Arctic front moving in on Sunday that could bring us sub-freezing temps and frozen precipitation.

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Cloudy, damp and misty in the Lincolnshire Wolds.

Potentially a couple of clear nights could come along between Monday and Wednesday next week.. we will see!🙄🤞🤞


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No.  Four inches of heavy, wet snow this morning here (Chicago) to be followed by another wave of snow tonight.  😒

And that's to be followed in a day or so with windchills well below 0° F.

However, it looks like it will be clear on Maunakea tonight, so there should be a livestream of sorts to watch:





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