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Neighbour Shouted Out of Window About Camera Noise!

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11 hours ago, wxsatuser said:

At 20metres it's gotta be the mount.

I used two 60Da and you couldn't hear them 20feet away let alone 20metres.

When just tracking a mount should be basically silent, no? Slewing is another story, but then if you're imaging surely you're not constantly slewing around anyway.

12 hours ago, johnh92 said:

How loud is the fan on them? I have heard some people say it is pretty bad but have no idea myself...

Can't speak for other manufacturers, but the fans on the ZWO cameras suitably quiet - I can't really hear mine from more than a couple of metres away. In fact, my whole setup is far quieter than the hedgehogs rustling around in the bushes!

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5 hours ago, The Lazy Astronomer said:

When just tracking a mount should be basically silent, no? Slewing is another story, but then if you're imaging surely you're not constantly slewing around anyway.

Can't speak for other manufacturers, but the fans on the ZWO cameras suitably quiet - I can't really hear mine from more than a couple of metres away. In fact, my whole setup is far quieter than the hedgehogs rustling around in the bushes!


Yes I only slewed to a target once and just left it tracking for a while so the sky was at its darkest before taking images. When tracking targets you have to put your ear right next to the mount to even hear it – essentially silent. It's a shame Skywatcher haven't released a firmware update to limit the slew rate, so I guess it is a case of doing it manually then letting the mount do the very last bit...

Can you adjust the fans speed on the ZWO?

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14 minutes ago, johnh92 said:


Yes I only slewed to a target once and just left it tracking for a while so the sky was at its darkest before taking images. When tracking targets you have to put your ear right next to the mount to even hear it – essentially silent. It's a shame Skywatcher haven't released a firmware update to limit the slew rate, so I guess it is a case of doing it manually then letting the mount do the very last bit...

Can you adjust the fans speed on the ZWO?

To my knowledge, you can't change the fan speed. You could turn the cooler off, although that would obviously negate one of the main benefits of an astro camera over a DSLR.

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Sounds to me like they were restless and annoyed and just wanted someone to shout at. It has been impossibly muggy and uncomfortable the last few days.

A camera shutter isn't going to keep someone awake if they are tired. I live on a main road with cars and lorries going by but I sleep OK. I think they are being unreasonable. I certainly wouldn't be buying them a bottle of wine.

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Noise is a funny thing, a dripping tap drove me nuts when trying yo sleep even through several doors, put a cloth under it to dampen the sound but it still stopped me sleeping, think it was the regularity that drove me mad as I was always listening out for it...I suspect a regular camera shutter is the same.


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A very interesting topic ,I am always wary when out in the we small hours and I must admit I have made the odd din or two ie tripping over the tripod and the red lights sweeping around.

I have new neighbours on one side and when they moved in I made it known to them what I got up to at night ,

It is amazing how noise carries at night ,I would go with the bottle of wine idea no use in falling out( maybe invite them round for a view)

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16 hours ago, Astro Noodles said:

Sounds to me like they were restless and annoyed and just wanted someone to shout at. It has been impossibly muggy and uncomfortable the last few days.

A camera shutter isn't going to keep someone awake if they are tired. I live on a main road with cars and lorries going by but I sleep OK. I think they are being unreasonable. I certainly wouldn't be buying them a bottle of wine.

Totally agree with Noodles, if anything the neighbour made more noise by shouting out the window. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 16/07/2021 at 04:44, johnh92 said:

the noise of the heq5 slewing


On 16/07/2021 at 09:55, PEMS said:

HEQ5's make a noise, quite a bit of noise.

One way to silence an heq5 is to replace the gear wheels with a belt. At least that's my experience. When I did a belt mod for a friend, his heq5 ran a lot quieter.

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Good Lord, I have to put up with an AC compressor 15 feet from my master bedroom wall that is so loud when running, you have to shout over it when outdoors.  Imagine how loud that is through a minimally sound insulated wall.  I also have an 8 lane tollway 1/4 mile from my house that motorcycles race up and down at night with minimal muffling of their engines.  On top of that, there are the occasional emergency responder sirens, train horns, dogs barking, etc.  Unless you're living in a seriously rural area, that neighbor shouldn't have any expectations of absolute silence at night.  The clack of a DSLR mirror is pretty minor compared to all these other nighttime noises.  You can put a camera blimp around them to muffle the sound, but it would increase the image noise because the camera couldn't cool itself very well inside it.  I seriously doubt that mirror clack violates any sound ordinance, though.

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You seem adamant that the camera is the issue. What exactly did the neighbor say to you?

If he didn't specifically say it was the camera, do you not think it would be a good idea to chat with him, maybe apologize, but find exactly what the racket was before upgrading or replacing your equipment.

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We use to have this problem in our old house. The second I setup the scope the neighbour would clock it. Turn on his security lighting. Then shout out the window later that I was keeping them up. I one occasion i wasn't out, I had already quit for the night but left the scope in the garden. And yet he still yelled out at an empty garden, probably thought i was hiding in the shadows. In the end my wife (i know how bad is that) went and spoke with them. She got on with his wife, so it was easier. Turned out he just didn't like the scope being setup, felt uncomfortable. Nothing to do with noise. I even changed the mount as I was convinced it was the "coffee grinder" Celestron mount that was the problem.

Definitely worth a chat with the neighbour. I find it hard to believe that the tracking HEQ5 or the DSLR are making that much noise.


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1 hour ago, russ said:

We use to have this problem in our old house. The second I setup the scope the neighbour would clock it. Turn on his security lighting. Then shout out the window later that I was keeping them up. I one occasion i wasn't out, I had already quit for the night but left the scope in the garden. And yet he still yelled out at an empty garden, probably thought i was hiding in the shadows. In the end my wife (i know how bad is that) went and spoke with them. She got on with his wife, so it was easier. Turned out he just didn't like the scope being setup, felt uncomfortable. Nothing to do with noise. I even changed the mount as I was convinced it was the "coffee grinder" Celestron mount that was the problem.

Definitely worth a chat with the neighbour. I find it hard to believe that the tracking HEQ5 or the DSLR are making that much noise.


All the hassle. I despair sometimes. My neighbours just get together at an upstairs window to watch, turn to each other muttering and point. I'm surprised they haven't thrown me a banana.

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6 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

All the hassle. I despair sometimes. My neighbours just get together at an upstairs window to watch, turn to each other muttering and point. I'm surprised they haven't thrown me a banana.

I know its all hassle. There's always one that has a problem. Hope you get it sorted. 

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3 minutes ago, russ said:

I know its all hassle. There's always one that has a problem. Hope you get it sorted. 

I've nothing to sort really. It's slightly uncomfortable knowing you're being watched but they're certified idiots. They're probably trying to work out what I'm doing looking into the metal tube on legs.

I feel sorry for those who have real problems with their neighbours besides the usual lighting issues. 🙄

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1 minute ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

I've nothing to sort really. It's slightly uncomfortable knowing you're being watched but they're certified idiots. They're probably trying to work out what I'm doing looking into the metal tube on legs.

I feel sorry for those who have real problems with their neighbours besides the usual lighting issues. 🙄

I think that is it, they are uncomfortable not knowing what you are doing at that time of the night looking into a tube. Which was all it was for me. Once i knew that was the problem I ignored him too. All sorted. Then we moved and the neightbours were great. Actually came and asked for a look in the scope. And then bought their own.

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4 hours ago, russ said:

Then shout out the window later that I was keeping them up.

Makes me glad we rarely open our windows here due to our oppressive humidity.  Like good fences, closed windows make for good neighbors.

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I say ignore it... the DSLR or your mount is not generating anywhere near the amount of dB that you are allowed to make at night.

If you start to invite obviously problematic neighbours (who scream from a distance) to your yard, and they realise that you're using a high power instrument from you back yard, than it wont be too long before they accuse you of being a peeping tom...

If they confront you, than two things.. "you don't know what they're talking about..." and make them think you're a nut case...  I had a couple of problematic neighbours in the past and them thinking that I'm unstable kept them quiet for years (not telescope related issues).... the crazy mode also works on Jehova's witnesses and mormons... haven't had a knock on the door for over 10 years.

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As in the previous replies, hard to imagine that a DSLR mirror makes that much noise, but if the neighbours are complaining it doesn't really matter if it's factual or not.

+1 for HEQ5 belt mod. +1 for a ZWO astro cam - it's a good excuse to treat yourself anyway! Cooling fans are almost silent - I sometimes have to stick my ear to the camera to make sure the fan has come on.

I suspect it's a combination of a few problems; given that they've obviously seen you in the garden at night, they may be putting 1+1 together and assuming it's your noise. My neighbours have both twigged that I have a "large" telescope in the garden at night so I'm very keen to let them know that it can't see into their windows! Bringing them in for a look might work. Luckily I get on very well with both sides and they have an interest in science (left-hand neighbours) and photography (right-hand neighbours). I plan on getting their kids in to see Saturn and Jupiter when Covid allows.

btw, they both got lock-down puppies in the last 6 months so they are a little embarrassed themselves.

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