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Greetings from United states. I have been surfing the net lately and from what I have looked at here this would be a nice play to hangout,  I joined the forum, so that I would be able to get as much info as possible, and you lot seem to enjoy sharing what knowledge you have with other, judging by the posts I`ve read so far since I have been looking. I hope to learn from others as well as contribute in any way I can. Thank you!

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2 hours ago, all1 said:

Greetings from United states. I have been surfing the net lately and from what I have looked at here this would be a nice play to hangout,  I joined the forum, so that I would be able to get as much info as possible, and you lot seem to enjoy sharing what knowledge you have with other, judging by the posts I`ve read so far since I have been looking. I hope to learn from others as well as contribute in any way I can. Thank you!

Hi! Welcome to SGL! have you purchased any Telescopes/equipment yet ? The reason i ask is their has been a very recent, very marked increase in retail prices across the board for Telescopes and equipment! I would suggest you research well before spending any money my friend! 


Wes, Liverpool, UK.

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