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ZWO ASI2600MC PRO is it worth it ?


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As I am ready to invest in this new CMOS camera from ZWO the Asi2600mc pro , I am trying to understand why this camera will be better than a DSLR with a filter Infront....

How this camera will give me better images ?

I have used DSLR camera some years ago , when I was starting this hobby but after that I have been through mono ccd's , since the time I realized that unfortunately due to lack of time I can not continue with mono imaging and filters....

So I am thinking to give it a try with a brand new, let's say technology of Color CMOS and see what I can get out of it....

I see some really nice examples on the net but am I going to achieve them ?

The Zwo Asi294mc pro widely used around the world is also very promising...Discontinued already as I hear...Amp glow issues....is it really so annoying ?cheaper than the new asi2600 MC pro by half price....

So can someone persuade me that the Zwo Asi2600mc pro is better than the others ? 🤔

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I have the QHY268C version (same chip).  It is superb.

Issues to consider are cooling, QE and adaption to telescopes/filters/OAG.

As it happens, I have Fuji XT3 mirrorless camera- same chip as QHY268.  I can achieve *nothing*  like what I can with the QHY268C even though chip is the same.

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A DSLR doesn't have cooling - and cooling, particularly the superb cooling on these cameras, makes a huge difference.  I have the ASI1600MM-Cool which is superb.  My main imaging is with mono camera and filters - the only colour camera imaging I do is All Sky Camera and occasional planetary.  So guess I can't be very helpful, I'm afraid.

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Thank you Gina , I appreciate your answer , deffently I will never compare the results from a mono ccd with a Color CMOS unless technology goes so far...but if I can get descent results to be happy with I will spend to buy this camera and a filter as well 😀

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Recently purchased a ZWO ASI2600mc not used a great deal yet but looks to be a good investment, downloads are quick as I think it has buffering in the camera so can start next exposure quickly.

It's a good idea to mate it with a fast scope or camera lens.

There are some great images taken with it on this forum if you do a search.


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Thank you Dave , I will pair it with an Esprit100ED and with WO RedCat51.....it will be undersampled with the RedCat51 but wide...

I was checking the Astronomy Tools website to see what kind of filter size I can go with and the minimum recommendation was for 30.8mm if I am not mistaken.....Does that mean that a 1.25" filter will not cause vignetting.. ?

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I have a zwo asi2600mc pro on the way now (stuck in customs 🙄).

I'm coming from a modified Canon 600d, so I'll get back to this thread with my impressions and if I think it was worth it as soon as I get my hands on it!



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I have a ZWO ASI1600MM-Pro, it is producing perfect results, my imperfections are in other areas. Will certainly be considering this one for future OSC results, but the for time being, I will be building LRGBHaOIIISII images in one form or another very manually. 

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1 hour ago, Nikolas74 said:

Thank you Dave , I will pair it with an Esprit100ED and with WO RedCat51.....it will be undersampled with the RedCat51 but wide...

I was checking the Astronomy Tools website to see what kind of filter size I can go with and the minimum recommendation was for 30.8mm if I am not mistaken.....Does that mean that a 1.25" filter will not cause vignetting.. ?

No 1.25 inch mounted and 31mm are not the same size as the 31mm is all filter but in 1.25 inch the filter mount is measured not the clear apperture which is 26mm at best. Once mounted even the 31mm filters are 29mm at best due to the ridge they sit on inside the wheel. You will need 36mm filters I am sorry to say. 

Edited by Adam J
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1 hour ago, Nikolas74 said:

Thank you Dave , I will pair it with an Esprit100ED and with WO RedCat51.....it will be undersampled with the RedCat51 but wide...

I was checking the Astronomy Tools website to see what kind of filter size I can go with and the minimum recommendation was for 30.8mm if I am not mistaken.....Does that mean that a 1.25" filter will not cause vignetting.. ?

Why do you want to use filters?

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22 minutes ago, Adam J said:

No 1.25 inch mounted and 31mm are not the same size as the 31mm is all filter but in 1.25 inch the filter mount is measured not the clear apperture which is 26mm at best. Once mounted even the 31mm filters are 29mm at best due to the ridge they sit on inside the wheel. You will need 36mm filters I am sorry to say. 

Thank you Adam for explaining this to me....anyway I was thinking it's not going to work since they were vignetting on my Atik383l+ mono that has smaller sensor. I use to have 36mm filters....

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On 15/10/2020 at 19:35, Nikolas74 said:


I was checking the Astronomy Tools website to see what kind of filter size I can go with and the minimum recommendation was for 30.8mm if I am not mistaken.....Does that mean that a 1.25" filter will not cause vignetting.. ?

For APS sensor, you need at least 36mm filters. And I think that most light pollution filters for OSC are only available in 1.25" and 2" sizes 😞

That's the bad part of buying a large sensor.



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32 minutes ago, nfotis said:

For APS sensor, you need at least 36mm filters. And I think that most light pollution filters for OSC are only available in 1.25" and 2" sizes 😞

That's the bad part of buying a large sensor.



The thread on the ZWOASI2600mc is 42mm T thread


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1 hour ago, Nikolas74 said:

Thank you, my problem is that these dual band - triband or quad band filters dont come out in 36mm so the only option is for 2inch which ofcourse more expensive 😩


Using mine with a Sharpstar 150HNT and discovered that a 2" filter fits neatly between the coma corrector and and camera connector.

ZWO do a limited range of filters designed for some of their cameras.


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