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Hello from Roy Bridge


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Good evening all! 

Just thought I'd say hello. I've literally just stumbled onto this site. My first telescope (Celestron Astromaster EQ 114) arrived today and I'm really excited to have it. I'm very luck to live in a rural area in Scotland - we get some lovely starry skies (when it's not raining).

I've been photographing the night sky (as an amateur) for a year or so. Nothing to write home about, but I'm pleased with some shots I've managed to get of the ISS with my Canon camera.

I purchased a motorised equatorial mount for my camera at the end of last year, and I hope to be able to capture some clear shots of the milky way (when we're allowed out).

Likewise, I'll be purchasing the relevant adapter to allow me to connect my camera to the telescope at some point.

I've been fascinated by astronomy and physics since I was young (I'm now 51) and am really looking forward to being able to gaze upon the night sky with some proper equipment.

Later on down the line, I may consider investing in an astrocamera, or connecting directly to my laptop - though that's jumping way ahead for now.

I look forward to chatting with some of you as time goes on.



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Welcome from Land Down Under

You travel the universe in this forum

Both sides of my family are also from Scotland, immigrated in the early 1800's

Mum's side  is from the lowlands, English border, and my dad' side from Isle Of Argyle



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Welcome. You do, indeed, have enviable skies (‘when it’s not raining’), from my memory of your area. Hope you have lots of success with the AP - but most of all, lots of fun. 🙂

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