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Everything posted by Adam1234

  1. Aurora and a meteor in the New Forest 10th May. Canon R6 camera with Samyang 14mm lens. Single image at iso800, 20s, f2.8
  2. Here's mine from the New Forest at about 1:30 - 2am taken on Samsung s24. We can see them grayish streaks with a hint of colour.
  3. Thanks! I was using a skywatcher eq6-r mount and skywatcher ed80, possibly with the dedicated field flattener/focal reducer
  4. I was recently on a work trip in Christchurch on the South island of New Zealand, and couldn't resist taking my camera and tripod (Canon R6). Took a very scenic uber trip to the hills south of Christchurch for some night time imagery. And if there's any Lord of the Rings fans: Edoras
  5. I'm travelling to Christchurch, NZ on a work trip in January for a few weeks, planning to take the camera and do some wide field astro if I get the chance. Wondered if there's anyone on here from around the area knows any good locations and how to get to said locations, ideally easily accessible? Adam
  6. I bring it in and leave it facing 45° facing down with the cap off to allow the dew to dry off and escape. I do put the cap on before bringing it inside so that no dust falls in, then remove the cap again once I have it pointed down
  7. Not a very good one, from a session in September that I hadn't got round to processing. RC8. ASI120MC, 2x barlow, firecapture.
  8. Jupiter, GRS and Calisto. 29 Sept 2022. Southampton, UK (50 45 North). 200mm RC8" f/8, 2x barlow, ZWO ADC, ZWO ASI120mc-s, EQ6-R Pro. 3200mm focal length. 10 x 60s videos at 84fps, gain 100%, exposure 11.88ms. Each video stacked, sharpened and de-rotated, with final bit of sharpening. Firecapture, PIPP, AS3, Winjupos. Total 11430 out of 49283 frames stacked.
  9. Jupiter and its moon Calisto, imaged on 29 Sept 2022. 10 videos of 60s at 84fps, gain 100%, exposure 11.88ms. Each video stacked, sharpened and de-rotated, with final bit of sharpening. Total 11430 out of 49283 frames stacked. Stella Lyra 200mm RC8, 2x barlow, ASI120mc, ZWO ADC. PIPP, Autostakkert 3, Registax 6, Winjupos. I did take a set of videos of Saturn and another set of Jupiter with reduced ROI and faster fps, but I had to abandon these - unfortunately, I realised just after I finished Saturn that my secondary mirror had dewed up 😩. I continued to video Jupiter anyway despite the dewed up secondary as the live feed looked ok, but the Saturn set and one of the Jupiter sets looked absolutely horrible! But I wasn't surprised, I was more probably more surprised that this one came out ok!
  10. Thanks! Yeah Saturn I definitely think was slightly out of focus, it was tough without an autofocuser (can anyone recommend an motorised focuser for Stella Lyra scopes?), I was going backward and forward manually for ages and just settled on what looked OK since I couldn't see much detail
  11. Jupiter 18 Sept 2022. Southampton, UK (50 45 North). RC 8" f/8, 2x barlow, ZWO ADC, ZWO ASI120mc-s, EQ6-R Pro. 3200mm focal length. 31 x 45s videos, av.95fps, exposure 5.9ms, gain 100%. Each video stacked, sharpened, derotated and further sharpened. Firecapture, PIPP, AS3, Winjupos. Total frames stacked 27329 out of 130840. Adam
  12. My first ones of Jupiter and Saturn this year, also the first using my Ritchey Chretien 8" f/8. Taken with ZWO ASI120mc-s, 2x barlow, ZWO ADC, EQ6-R Pro. I've since discovered that RC's are a less than optimal instrument for planetary imaging. Jupiter: 31 x 45s videos, av.95fps, exposure 5.9ms, gain 100%. Total frames stacked 27329 out of 130840. Saturn: 4 x 120s videos, av.30fps, exposure 30ms, gain 100%. Total frames 920 stacked out of 14122. Saturn could have been better but I had to discard a load of bad quality videos because of cloud. Each video stacked, sharpened, derotated and further sharpened. Firecapture, PIPP, AS3, Winjupos. One thing I struggled with during capture was getting a decent histogram, especially with Saturn. I could barely get it above 30% even with gain at 100%, so had to cope with 30ms and less than optimal fps. I guess probably because the 8" is smaller than my 10" dob, plus the large central obstruction on the RC.
  13. @vlaiv, just out of interest, how did you calculate the 0.0042656"/s? I'm making note of these calculations!
  14. Not sure where exactly the focus point on the 200p is, but I've got the 250p flextube and the focus point when using a camera is very close to the draw tube, to the point where I had to screw directly and even then was only just about to achieve focus. Using a barlow definitely helped to bring the focus point further out, so I'd recommend using a barlow
  15. Great, thanks, weird how the automatic detection is getting it wrong!
  16. I've just done an experiment where I inputted my longitude as both -001 25, and +001 25, and in both cases the de-rotated images are coming out blurred, whereas my first attempt didn't. I think I now know why - I think the automatic detection is getting north the wrong way. I'm sure I remember on my first attempt that it was putting north on the other side. I'm not sure why it would be getting this wrong now though? Is anyone able to confirm that the automatic detection is indeed wrong, and perhaps why? In the meantime, I will give it another go and rotate the outline by 180 to see if it works. the resulting blurry derotated image My first attempt, which worked ok, except for the bright limb on the right hand side
  17. Cool that's what I thought. Oddly, when I put my long. As +001 25, my image came out OK, but with a bright ring on the limb, but when I used -001 25 it came out blurred. I was playing around with manual alignment of the outline rather than automatic, to try and get more accurate alignment so maybe the blurring was just an unsuccessful attempt at manual alignment. I'll try again tomorrow
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