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‘Dark Skies’ Parliamentary Group launched


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2 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Plan B sounds a good plan, just make sure you buy the surrounding 8 miles of land.
That way you can control all the lights!


Definitely! The worse thing would be to establish such a campground/retreat and then have an industrial estate spring up next door... A tricky one without an absolute fortune on tap. Development grants for Highlands and Islands tourism are (or were) fairly plentiful.

Ah well, nice to dream for now...

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Good news  that this is being considered at such a high level given the fight to get light pollution to be a statutory nuisance and the current exemptions. We have the tools to provide the right light to the right locations for minimal electrical usage. We should educate the public to protest against dazzle as it can hide “bad” things and can make navigation hazardous. Keep the colour temperature lower with full cut off, curfew them at 11 or 12, light sensors so they don’t go on if the moon is providing the light for free... we can have our cake and eat it. Safety, lower impact on health, wildlife and save money. 



PS my garden is below the cutoff of 3new LED lights making picking observing locations tricky. (I like black flock and observing hoods!)

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15 hours ago, Dave Lloyd said:

Local authorities tend to be absolutely useless at anything other than collecting money. 

Not always, it depends from authority to authority and team to team.
Most are very hard working but at breaking point due to the defunding from Austerity, one person often doing 3 peoples jobs!


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31 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Not always, it depends from authority to authority and team to team.
Most are very hard working but at breaking point due to the defunding from Austerity, one person often doing 3 peoples jobs!


My complaint isn't about the rank and file folks trying to do a job. It's about the recent move towards treating local authorities as businesses rather than services. Ours has a chief executive where we used to have a clerk of works. They're not businesses. They don't have to compete for business, their income is guaranteed and quite frankly they seem to be largely unaccountable for mistakes. I think this is why so many see themselves as local authorities over us instead of public servants whose wages are paid by us-their employers. That's it, rant over😊

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1 hour ago, Dave Lloyd said:

They don't have to compete for business, their income is guaranteed and quite frankly they seem to be largely unaccountable for mistakes

KCC have recently lost a load of public money in a hedge fund fiasco this follows on from millions lost in the Icelandic bank fiasco, nobody seems that bothered though :icon_scratch:


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On 10/02/2020 at 12:49, DaveS said:

The problem is the Monkey Brain. As soon as the light goes it runs around in little circles gibbering about leopards.

But Leopards are nice cuddly kitties- if you avoid the teeth and claws.


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  • 2 months later...

Just wondering what I can do about the new neighbours floodlight. They moved in 2 years ago and spent loads of money doing up the house and garden. First annoyance was that they dug up the gas main in the road outside our house and we had to sit outside on the hottest day of the year until it was fixed. 

Then endless building noise - they DIYed - and massive bonfires burning building waste.

Then they built a massive shed that overlooks our property and have now started putting said floodlight on from dusk until 11.30pm. Despite having blackout curtains in the bedroom the light still penetrates, particularly around the edges of the curtains. If they are going to be using their shed/mancave every night then it is goodbye night sky!!

I know they have been rude and aggressive to other neighbours so will send a letter outlining the process of complaint I will follow if they keep it as it is.

Seriously thinking of moving now if things ever get back to normal.


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If the light from neighbours shines into your bedrooms I believe you can complain to the local authority about it.

It has to start with a letter to the neighbours though even if you have no faith that will work. Copy the letter to your local councillor and show that you have done that on the letter.


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2 hours ago, John said:

If the light from neighbours shines into your bedrooms I believe you can complain to the local authority about it.

It has to start with a letter to the neighbours though even if you have no faith that will work. Copy the letter to your local councillor and show that you have done that on the letter.


John is quite correct, you must ask them nicely to adjust said light away from your bedrooms and perhaps a polite ask about the timings etc. for Astronomy at the same time, but make sure the 'real' complaint is due to sleep disturbance!   

Then contact the Local Authority, Environmental Health Team and put in a complaint about the light into bedroom causing severe sleep disturbance.

Please note my wording!

Good luck with this, don't get fobbed off.

Edited by Alan White
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  • 3 months later...

Can’t hurt to put light pollution back on the political agenda. More efficient lighting can only be a good thing and maybe we can reduce light pollution, though accurate measurements are needed. 

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With stargazing having become more popular during Lockdown (Witness FLO's sale storm) perhaps more people will become aware of the problem. If enough of them raise a stink perhaps something will be done.

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I guess I'll be long-dead by the time there's a reduction in the horrible glow and glare where I live. Maybe if initiatives like this started in the late sixties, there might just be the beginnings... 😞

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Merge seen a lot of better cut off LED lights, which may be a missed opportunity. I feel that if we could reduce the lateral spread of light from cities we could bring darker skies closer for everyone.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Politicians are acutley aware of growing Mental Health issues. Light pollution - specifically bright light shining into houses, bedrooms, gardens et al, can prevent sleep. Moreover, it is a psychological stressor which can lead to strees, even subconsiously. Perhaps given that MH is a hot topic with ever increasing numbers, it is time that politicians and council groups be made aware. Not just from a dark sky perspective, but from a general health one. Question is how to influence these people quickly?


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9 hours ago, Slingshot said:

Politicians are acutley aware of growing Mental Health issues...

Question is how to influence these people quickly?


Rising up en masse armed to the teeth might work. Unfortunately revolutions don't get far in GB. Stopping at 3pm for a cuppa and a scone reduces momentum...


Regarding LED street lamps, they're supposed to be a massive LP reducer compared to the old lamps, however only if they're pointed downward. I wonder if councils are ignoring advice (or blissfully unaware), installing lamps that spill light sideways and in residential cul de sacs etc, on posts which are higher than necessary?



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8 hours ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Rising up en masse armed to the teeth might work. Unfortunately revolutions don't get far in GB. Stopping at 3pm for a cuppa and a scone reduces momentum...


Regarding LED street lamps, they're supposed to be a massive LP reducer compared to the old lamps, however only if they're pointed downward. I wonder if councils are ignoring advice (or blissfully unaware), installing lamps that spill light sideways and in residential cul de sacs etc, on posts which are higher than necessary?



The LED street lights installed around here by Aberdeenshire Council appear brighter and with a much whiter light than the dull glow of the old sodium lamps. 

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