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ODK12 Uncrating

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"Unboxing" seems too feeble a term for this. As posted in the Lounge, This arrived just after midday


 Getting it into my conservatory nearly did my back in so had to give it a rest before proceeding. Removing the cover (Six very long screws revealed lots of bubble wrap


Concerned about getting the 'scope out safely I put a folded duvet (The one I had for SGL19) ready to cushion the floor


After heaving it out of the packing (Heavy, but not unmanageable) the 'scope was revealed in all its pristine glory.


On the back is a Starlight Instruments Feather Touch focuser, plus connection for the internal dew heater.


I think that will do for now. There was also an envelope with instructions for collimation, and a small package with a spacing tool and ronchi grating to get the spacing correct (OOUK specify +/- 1 mm), and the adaptors for the Moravian G3 16200 that's going on it. Phew!

More photos will follow when I get it on the mount.


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Yep thats the problem with these big, large diameter tubes.  In terms of sheer dead weight to lift, not so bad.  Bt they are large diameter and hard to grapple with whilst trying to get the dovetail into the saddle - especially on your own.

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Could have been worse, could have been 9 months 😆. OOUK have never been known for keeping to delivery schedules, so I just thought " It'll come when it comes" and here it is.

TBH I've had delays in other parts of the plan, the obsy platform has been put back at least twice, now to the 25th Nov due to the weather, and I'm *still* waiting for Baader to deliver a 2" H-alpha ultra narrow band filter to FLO so they can send it on to me.

Ah well, nothing worthwhile was ever easy.

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Very very nice ,its a lovely scope Dave. I got mine near the end of July. It is a heavy tube to put on the mount alone. I had the missus help me and  still found it hard to do. ….The focuser is a great piece of kit aswell.

Regards Bob.


Edited by bob-c
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11 hours ago, JamesF said:

For those of you finding it awkward to mount up heavy telescopes, I offer you this:


Ha, yes I've seen that. Still going to investigate hoists though. I've seen some up that long river place that aren't to bad, will come in cheaper than hiring an engine hoist and I can keep it in the obsy.

ASA mounts have no axis brakes so they swing freely. With counterweights on and no 'scope the dovetail will be pointing to Polaris.

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Had a look at some basic electric hoists, not too horrible prices.

My back is still complaining about yesterday so will be taking things easy today. I think it was getting the whole crate from my back gate into the conservatory that did it in. Unfortunately the TNT man was on a tight schedule so only had time to help me get it from the van to the gate.

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14 hours ago, JamesF said:

For those of you finding it awkward to mount up heavy telescopes, I offer you this:


This is precisely the method I use to dismount my C14 on an AP mount on my pier, but even that way I still prefer to have some assistance to hand when remounting it just in case....

Cheers, Geof

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ASA DDM85 Basic. No longer made unfortunately, @Datalord and I got the last two available, mine was ex-demo. Direct Drive, encoder guided with 45 kg payload for imaging (All ASA payloads are quoted for imaging), and utterly wonderful. I already use the smaller DDM60 for carrying my TS 130 f/7 Apo.

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