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BIG dob ready for first light


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Also. When thinking through your design for the insulated box, keep in mind about not trying to make the scope sweat. You may want to consider a extractor fan, just a 120mm PC style that could be solar powered?. Should help with some air flow.

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Good to see my old scope again after languishing for so long in Callum's shed.🙂 I replaced it with a 20" Obsession. Anyway some titbits


the collimating design was Keith's at Dark Star and ES adapted it for their telescopes. Keith took the mirro set I had form a solid tube dobsonian and designed a new mount for it. I believe he made a few more telesocpes of that design but probably not many.


The mirror is mounted on bubble pack but I believe Callum replaced the old bubble pack otherise it could be due to air leaking out.


I think you will enjoy the brighter Abell galaxy clusters with that when it gets really dark. I don't think I ever used it with anything but Naglers so it will be in teresting to see what the modern designs will do. Your first view of M42 through it will blow your socks off.



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Thanks for those titbits. I love the fact that the scope has a history and I am looking after it on the next stage of its life.

I was almost in tears looking at the wild duck cluster and M13 at high power so I will get some tissues ready for M42.


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I'd love a big dob either bought or make it just one thing I'm lousy at star hopping. My first scope a 150p on a eq3-2 mount I was just sticking to objects that were very easy to find. M13, M3, M57  I had real trouble finding M81 and M82 until a good friend showed me how.

That was it that's all I could find I could not get my head around which way was up or down.

sadly a Telrad did not help.

Good look with your scope looks amazing I've looked through a couple one being Damians and they are different class.

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8 hours ago, MarsG76 said:

Great scope.. I can only imagine the views you get through it.... do you see any hint of color in the Orion Nebula through that 20" monster?


I'm sure Mark will as I get hints of turquoise and purple although i find it depends upon seeing conditions 

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Amazing, very jealous! Had my first view through a 20" Obsession last week in Oregon, saw the needle galaxy, m13, m81 etc totally blew my mind.

I have a 10" newt but it's simply useless under london skies, in fact my 10x25 monocular view looked similair to my 10" view haha.

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On 07/07/2019 at 15:49, mdstuart said:

I was almost in tears looking at the wild duck cluster and M13 at high power so I will get some tissues ready for M42.

Very apt description Mark.

With the limited use of my scope I found my self saying "no way!", " are you kidding me?!" etc when viewing objects with the 24", they are that good and startling.

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So the mirror is much better after its wash. Still some spindly spiders web marks but that is what gives it character!

Now I need some longer mirror clips as my bubble wrap is thicker...why is it never easy. Anyone know where to source metal L shapes?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Great time observing last night with the big dob. I went back to a few galaxies in Pegasus. 

Last night I managed to see stars to mag 15.1 and some faint mag 14 galaxies so on a par already with the 16 inch.

It is really special being out under a dark sky with a big scope with such a good mirror.


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