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If you could only choose one telescope for everything

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39 minutes ago, L8-Nite said:

The older I get, the simpler I like things to be, and as a visual only observer I don't care to fuss about with unnecessary gadgets. So, considering that  my Wife and I like travelling to dark destinations, our little kit  here would be my one scope choice.


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Love it! what a beautiful Questar setup! 

I had a lot of fun with the poor mans equivalent (ETX90) throughout my uni years. 

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48 minutes ago, Alien 13 said:

I would have the Questar too over any other scope even those TAK thingies, I do have its poor relation though...


They have a great reputation. Still never looked through one. Maybe I’ll be at a star party where we get to use scopes one day.....


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Is the Questar much better, in terms of the views, than, say, a Meade 90mm mak though ?

I'm sure I read a very experienced user here had compared the views between the two and found very little difference.

I'm sure the build and overall quality of the Questar are superb though.


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7 hours ago, John said:

Is the Questar much better, in terms of the views, than, say, a Meade 90mm mak though ?

I'm sure I read a very experienced user here had compared the views between the two and found very little difference.

I'm sure the build and overall quality of the Questar are superb though.


The reviews say they're about on par optically. The differences lay with the mechanics and aesthetics I think. Info from this guy who compares the Questar, C90, and ETX90:


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If it was for night time only I'd go for a dobsonian of up to 12", but if it was for solar as well then maybe a refractor up to 120mm.

In either case I'd get the biggest thing I could easily handle up to those aperture limits and downsize over time as I got older.

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I'm purely visual. My one scope with enough aperture but not too big to put me off setting it up would be a 12 inch GOTO Dob

I have less time to observe than I used to so tend to use refractors a lot but I'm always conscious of what I'm missing over a decent sized Dob

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21 hours ago, Rick_It said:

Yes, but a C8 is not a rich-field scope, so it's not universal. For example, you can't frame the Pleiades. With a 200/1200 you get up to 2.26° FOV.

Does it count if I use the F6.3 reducer?  (I don't have it yet, but will soon).


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Great vid Chris, your years of experience shine through in your words. I don’t have the wide experience of different scopes that some other folks do, having owned 7 scopes in total - those in my sig plus a 6” F8 Newt. I have often thought about the perfect single scope for my needs and I think it could be a 120ED, kind of in between your two very well considered suggestions, but a step up in price again, especially versus a budget Newt. I guess if it is a single scope one is willing to pay a bit more! ? I would love to spend some quality time with an 120 ED to test my theory. 

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Hving had some good sessions with my 12 inch F/5.3 dob this week I think I'm swaying towards it as a one-scope option, if I had to have just one. I have some great refractors but the 12 inch dob takes me deeper and further into the Universe than any of them and if one of my scopes is going to still show me new stuff after the years that I've been in the hobby, it's the dob. 

Setup and tear down time is as quick as any of my other scopes as well.

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1 hour ago, RobertI said:

Great vid Chris, your years of experience shine through in your words. I don’t have the wide experience of different scopes that some other folks do, having owned 7 scopes in total - those in my sig plus a 6” F8 Newt. I have often thought about the perfect single scope for my needs and I think it could be a 120ED, kind of in between your two very well considered suggestions, but a step up in price again, especially versus a budget Newt. I guess if it is a single scope one is willing to pay a bit more! ? I would love to spend some quality time with an 120 ED to test my theory. 

Thanks Rob :) Got to say the ED120 is a great choice for a single scope, it wasn't easy for me to rule that one out other than it being less flexible mounting wise, and has a longer cool down and less transportable. It's hard to cover every base and where to draw the line when picking just one scope, I know the ED120 would have been a better compromise on DSO observations. 

I've heard some premium 4" fracs such as the Takahashi seem to punch above their weight comparing well to the ED120 on DSO's. I only have experience with the tiny FS60 which I'll admit did a very good job for it's tiny aperture.  

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6 minutes ago, John said:

Hving had some good sessions with my 12 inch F/5.3 dob this week I think I'm swaying towards it as a one-scope option, if I had to have just one. I have some great refractors but the 12 inch dob takes me deeper and further into the Universe than any of them and if one of my scopes is going to still show me new stuff after the years that I've been in the hobby, it's the dob. 

Setup and tear down time is as quick as any of my other scopes as well.

I feel another video coming on - Best single scope for visual.

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I've often thought about a one scope solution, the Force is strong on the Dark Side. I could easily depart from my Reflectors and my SW ED72. But I would find it very hard to depart from my C80ED & C100ED scopes, as you can't buy them new no more and their classics. But having a 120ED again is really tempting. Only if Celestron made a 120ED in Gloss Piano Black with a R&P focuser. Drooooooooooollll. :D

Edited by Skyline
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2 hours ago, Ben the Ignorant said:

I'm afraid one telescope only would be impossible for me because of the differences between a light bucket and a rich-field scope, but two would be possible. A 12 inch dob and a 115mm apo.

 It's not impossible, but you obviously have to compromise on abilities. 

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1 hour ago, laser_jock99 said:

Maybe my 8" F4 Newt is a good compromise scope- fast enough for imaging and a medium visual FOV. I could always add a barlow for planets.

Would the f/5 version be a better compromise? 

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20 hours ago, Paul73 said:

They have a great reputation. Still never looked through one. Maybe I’ll be at a star party where we get to use scopes one day.....


I'm confident you will get a chance Paul, I had it at the South Wales star party in Brecon where I recently met you ;  Unfortunately the weather was uncooperative so most of us just ended up in the Pub instead of bringing our scopes out.  

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1 hour ago, L8-Nite said:

ended up in the Pub instead of bringing our scopes out.  

True. But we did talk a really good game about scopes, mirrors, etc etc etc.


ps. The Jura malt (and Dob Mob emergency vodka rations) lubricated some very animated scope discussions back at the camp site until really quite late........??

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The near perfect all round scope for me is the Celestron C11 with a 6.3 focal reducer and Hyperstar.....Which I have all ;)

Focal lengths of 2800mm 1760mm and 560mm...And yes, with Hyperstar, M45 fits in FOV for imaging.

All in one piece of kit. 

What more could ya want :p


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In answer to the OP`s question, i did this very thing, i decided to concentrate on doing what i can do and enjoy doing, and settled on the skymax 127 Maksutov, and ended up repurchasing the very scope i had sold a few years back, this is now my only scope, as a Luna and planet scope its all i need or want plus its not to shabby on some DSO`s but they dont really interest me these days.

This has proved to be a very good decision for me, i am in a better place with regard to astro, i dont do a lot lately but when i do i am happy with what i do, the scope is cheap enough, if i needed to i could easy replace it like for like and its easy to mount, all in all happy days

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Like Dave, earlier on in the thread, the nearest I could get would be with a six inch (ish) refractor with large corrected field. With a full frame camera (or better still one with a 36x36mm chip) you can go fairly wide:


...and with a small pixel camera you can do as well or almost as well as with a much larger reflector on small targets:


Visually you don't have the light grasp for the faintest of the fuzzies but those which it can deliver it can deliver with exquisite clarity and a wonderful sense of immersion in space.

I'm glad the obligation to lose our short FL apo and larger reflector is only hypothethetical, though. :D


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29 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Visually you don't have the light grasp for the faintest of the fuzzies but those which it can deliver it can deliver with exquisite clarity and a wonderful sense of immersion in space

I do love this about refactors. I'm happy seeing less, but less with beautiful depth, contrast, and sharpness. I think this is why I was happy to sacrifice a bit of aperture refractor wise (in this hypothetical situation) in favour of more versatility with mounting, faster cool down, and transportability (if that's a word) 

P.s. awe inspiring images as always, Olly. 

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1 hour ago, nightfisher said:

In answer to the OP`s question, i did this very thing, i decided to concentrate on doing what i can do and enjoy doing, and settled on the skymax 127 Maksutov, and ended up repurchasing the very scope i had sold a few years back, this is now my only scope, as a Luna and planet scope its all i need or want plus its not to shabby on some DSO`s but they dont really interest me these days.

This has proved to be a very good decision for me, i am in a better place with regard to astro, i dont do a lot lately but when i do i am happy with what i do, the scope is cheap enough, if i needed to i could easy replace it like for like and its easy to mount, all in all happy days

That 127Mak is defo the right scope for you, Jules. I know you've tried plenty of scopes to get to where you are (pot calling the kettle black here ;) ) 

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