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Dream job


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Interesting that it's made it to local media...maybe there aren't many applicants.

As someone said before, it's going to be tough to find someone with all the desired credentials. If you can handle grant funding in third sector environments, coordinate and manage projects, run events, have good marketing skills with an interest in astronomy, I think you'd be in with a good chance of making it to interview. :)

There might be people who fit the bill, but this is such a niche subject, Snowdonia might have a problem finding the right person if they stick to the strict person spec...

As it's a local authority post, thse two years might be extended, funding and service needs dependant...

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  • 1 year later...

Nah, this ain't no dream job. I was in the search for some new ideas and found this old thread. And now I'm disappointed. My cousin says that the best job I can take is network engineering. He's a Cisco certified engineer, and he wants us to work together. He already gave me a list of books to read. Also, he told me that I need to obtain New Cisco Certification after I finish. It's something like exams as far as I understand. I think I will pick this one if I don't find something more interesting.

Edited by MurderPony
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I have my dream role, retired with reasonable pension. Able to behave as a student but with money. Still happily married so no mating game angst.

One scope in sunny Spain for research and one as visual toy in Cheshire.

Two charming granddaughters who I can hand back to two grown up daughters when the going gets tough or the afternoon nap calls.

Regards Andrew 

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6 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

I had my dream job for 35 years, self employed telescope maker.  Still in the same job now in retirement but no pay!     🙂

Can't do better than that. Regards Andrew 

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On 30/10/2018 at 09:54, bobxuk said:

Don't bother applying for a Gov/local Authority job in North Wales unless you are at least fluent in both Welsh and Polish!! LOL.

EDIT: [A belated] Diolch yn fawr iawn Boyo! ;)

I wonder if they ever fixed the Caernarfon light dome? :rolleyes2:

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I was obsessed with optics before I was a teenager. So I eventually found a job at an optical company.
The work was repetitive, boring and routine. I had to cycle 26 miles a day just to get there and back.
The only real upside was making achromats and prisms for my own projects. I liked making solar spectroscopes back then.

The best job I ever had was working every waking hour. Being a self-employed antique clock restorer. In the unheated garden shed. For an absolute pittance.
It meant I could play with things I loved but could never afford. While skilfully undoing centuries of botcher's crimes against innocent, inanimate objects.
All, so that crooked, antique dealers could live in unbelievable luxury. By selling desirable objects. Usually stolen from recent widows and done up as cheaply as possible.

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7 hours ago, KevS said:

(2)Local authority post...……...my experience of Welsh and many local authorities is that by the time the post is advertised it has already been allocated to a relative/friend.



Having been involved in creating, specifying and recruiting to a number of such posts in central and local government prior to my retirement from the Civil Service, I can categorically state that this is not the case.

Can't argue about the weather point though :icon_biggrin:


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