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Lunt Blocking Filter - Check yours, you won't regret it!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought a second hand 60mm supposed to have been in good condition but when I received it I looked it over and the blue UV/IR had two large spots and the rest was foggy when looked at in bright light. I was disappointed in the seller. However I sent it off to Telescope House UK and they examined it changed the blue filter and all for £30 so pleased. As the scope was half the price of a new one I'm still happy. All my thanks to Telescope House and Bresser UK.

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I am happy to report that Lunt, true to their word, " we can help you with that problem", did so very promptly and I had 

a new blue filter glass from them arrive within 5 days from the USA to Australia  ( I still haven't had time to replace it   hahaha been very busy)

With their awesome service, I will recommend Lunt to everyone.  Support of products is very important







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  • 9 months later...

After almost 3 years of frustration I discovered my green/blue filter was badly marked, no wonder I couldn't get any imaging done - blaming mostly myself and my camera.

I'm waiting almost 4 weeks for a replacement from Bresser via TH, so far; so I mailed Lunt US on Monday and a replacement should be on its way - but the service so far has been sub-par for me!

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32 minutes ago, Altocumulus said:

After almost 3 years of frustration I discovered my green/blue filter was badly marked, no wonder I couldn't get any imaging done - blaming mostly myself and my camera.

I'm waiting almost 4 weeks for a replacement from Bresser via TH, so far; so I mailed Lunt US on Monday and a replacement should be on its way - but the service so far has been sub-par for me!

Sorry to hear your problems with Bresser maybe you should have gone direct to Bresser Europe, I contacted them about my BF, didn't fancy doing it myself so sent it off to them to fit a new one and it came back inside 2 weeks FOC.


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You maybe right Dave. I'll learn the lesson to go direct the next time, though I understood TH were part of Bresser, and the UK point of contact for Lunt.

I seem to have had more luck going via Faye in the States?

Usually I find TH very good, but.....!

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Earlier this year I suffered the 'cloudy blue' problem.

I emailed Bresser Europe and within days a filter was on my doorstep.
As the the filter is easy to install, I decided that was preferable to sending a package to/from Germany.
Bresser did though offer to do the fitting.


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1 minute ago, Altocumulus said:

Just had confirmation that a filter departed Bresser on Friday. Ironically, or coincidence, the same day I gave TH a nudge asking for an update!

Obviously sheer coincidence :D


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Guest chaz2b

I bought a Baader400 last year, initially I thought it would not focus because of my telescope or eyepieces, after coming across this thread, and going on Lunts website, I removed the collar,25secs, dropped out the glass filter, cleaned it with LOGIK cleaner and using my Orion micro cloth, had it looking as new in 30 or so seconds.

As Lunt have said, it doesn’t have a coating, so no fear of removing any film. Other than that film of crud!

 I will add a word of caution, the lovely girl in the video mentioned about retightening of the collar and backing it off a quarter of a turn, my BF had a blob of silicon holding it in place, once I tightened it, I duly returned it, slightly, back to that spot. As she mentioned, tightening it too tight could cause the filter to crack when the BF heats up.


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3 minutes ago, chaz2b said:

I bought a Baader400 last year, initially I thought it would not focus because of my telescope or eyepieces, after coming across this thread, and going on Lunts website, I removed the collar,25secs, dropped out the glass filter, cleaned it with LOGIK cleaner and using my Orion micro cloth, had it looking as new in 30 or so seconds.

As Lunt have said, it doesn’t have a coating, so no fear of removing any film. Other than that film of crud!


Interesting chaz, no one at Lunt, or at TH, have said anything to me other than to replace it. Mind if it isn't here by next week I might just give a polish option.

btw, another day with almost wall to wall sunshine to compound my misery - on the bright side the weather forecast last night said it would be raining today!

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Guest chaz2b

Wow, the weather man gets it right.lol

If you look up Lunts website, there are various videos explaining  their products, one of which she shows how to remove and replace the blue glass filter.

Now, if they deem it safe for joe bloggs to remove part of the BF system under their guidance, then surely it’s not a real problem to clean it, assuming you don’t use any form of abrasive or acids that could damage the surface.

The product I use, LOGIK, is a cleaner used for tv screens, it does evaporate quickly and cleaning only requires a gentle application with the cloth.

 I wonder if I can test my results with my car headlights? Hmmm.


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23 hours ago, chaz2b said:

Wow, the weather man gets it right.lol

If you look up Lunts website, there are various videos explaining  their products, one of which she shows how to remove and replace the blue glass filter.

Now, if they deem it safe for joe bloggs to remove part of the BF system under their guidance, then surely it’s not a real problem to clean it, assuming you don’t use any form of abrasive or acids that could damage the surface.

The product I use, LOGIK, is a cleaner used for tv screens, it does evaporate quickly and cleaning only requires a gentle application with the cloth.

 I wonder if I can test my results with my car headlights? Hmmm.


Thanks chaz,


I think my problem, though seemingly common, is slightly more nuanced in that its a material breakdown rather than some thing on the filter

that can be cleaned.

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To help bilbo out with his blocking filter survey I checked it and found this. It's only about 2 years old too. :frown: Is it best to contact Bresser Europe or Lunt USA for the free replacement filter?



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2 minutes ago, symmetal said:

To help bilbo out with his blocking filter survey I checked it and found this. It's only about 2 years old too. :frown: Is it best to contact Bresser Europe or Lunt USA for the free replacement filter?



Alan, contact which is closer to you. Though Faye at Lunt USA may oblige.

I'm told mine is on its way, from Germany - only taken 10 days since despatch to not yet appear! It must be a new stock they have, which is why I've been waiting ages

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Bresser, Germany emailed. Thanks altocumulus.

Afterward, I took out the blue glass filter to see if it could be cleaned but only the spot in the middle came off. The deposits around the filter edge are actually on both sides of the filter and about similar sizes. With the blue glass removed and looking inside there is what looks like a white powdery deposit all over the black housing holding the prism. It doesn't seem to come off when scraped with a cotton bud. It may be that the black coating on the housing inside is just 'over-spray' and it's the bare aluminium or whatever it's made of showing through.

Also, looking into the prism you can see the rear side of the filter after the prism. It looks orange but I think that's the prism causing this. This filter however looks to have a film covering most of its surface which doesn't look good. I tried to photograph it but it didn't come out all that clearly.

'White powdery coating' inside BF


Film on rear of filter looking through the prism.


Does anybody think it's worth asking Lunt about this? :icon_scratch:


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hi just seen this post - mine doesnt look good not too old only 2 years ish - lunt 60 bf1200. have emailed lunt/bresser.

always kept mine indoors and in box...may invest in the moisture packs



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I had another look at mine as ive noticed 5 blotches around the periphery of the green lens. It’s minor but I’m guessing it worsens?

When I shine a light inside the b1200 filter through the geeen lens the back of the red lens looks cloudy. Is this normal?

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44 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

When I shine a light inside the b1200 filter through the geeen lens the back of the red lens looks cloudy. Is this normal?

I got a reply from Bresser, Germany that they have put a blue glass filter in the post today. :thumbsup: The filter looks green if you shine a light off it at an angle but is pale blue when you remove it. The blotches around the edge indicate the blue glass filter needs replacing as it will get worse.

In my post on Saturday I included a picture of the rear of the rear of the red output lens which also seemed to have a cloudy film on it. With the blue glass removed waiting for the replacement it's much more obvious.

Danenn posted earlier on this thread of a similar problem so following his lead I removed the orange plate which has the diagonal mirror loosely fixed to it by some foam padding. I originally thought there was a prism inside but it's just a mirror. You can easily see and get to the rear of the output filter then and it was covered in a cloudy film. I gently wiped it in a cotton bud sprayed with Baader Wonder Fluid and puffed a rocket blower over it  and the film has gone. Whoop! A clear golden surface appeared. :smile: The mirror itself looked ok with no film present, just a few specks of dust which the blower removed. I also thought before, the inside of the diagonal had a white powdery coating on the surface but it is just the metal showing through where the black spray coating hasn't covered it. It does look just like over-spray from the outside coating and isn't intended to be fully covered.

Hopefully when the replacement blue glass filter arrives I will get a good improvement in the view.


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7 hours ago, symmetal said:

I got a reply from Bresser, Germany that they have put a blue glass filter in the post today. :thumbsup: The filter looks green if you shine a light off it at an angle but is pale blue when you remove it. The blotches around the edge indicate the blue glass filter needs replacing as it will get worse.

In my post on Saturday I included a picture of the rear of the rear of the red output lens which also seemed to have a cloudy film on it. With the blue glass removed waiting for the replacement it's much more obvious.

Danenn posted earlier on this thread of a similar problem so following his lead I removed the orange plate which has the diagonal mirror loosely fixed to it by some foam padding. I originally thought there was a prism inside but it's just a mirror. You can easily see and get to the rear of the output filter then and it was covered in a cloudy film. I gently wiped it in a cotton bud sprayed with Baader Wonder Fluid and puffed a rocket blower over it  and the film has gone. Whoop! A clear golden surface appeared. :smile: The mirror itself looked ok with no film present, just a few specks of dust which the blower removed. I also thought before, the inside of the diagonal had a white powdery coating on the surface but it is just the metal showing through where the black spray coating hasn't covered it. It does look just like over-spray from the outside coating and isn't intended to be fully covered.

Hopefully when the replacement blue glass filter arrives I will get a good improvement in the view.


Thanks so much Alan. This sounds like mine and ours appear to be produced consecutively 

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