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Milkyway Panorama

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As promised here is my first ever panaroma of the Milky Way taken at the Salisbury Star Party. Three sections with an hour of data for each taken with a Canon 400d and a Sigma 17-35mm lens set to 17mm F4 ISO 800 on an Astrotrac Mount. Stitched together with San Serif Panorama Plus.


(click to enlarge)



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OMG :shock: :salute: That's come out really well. Congratulations Kevin, you must be proud of that. The North American neb is immediately obvious and a closer examination should reveal more DSO's. I can see the Coathanger asterism hanging in the Cygnus Rift too.

Could this be a contender for POTW?

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That is stunning :clouds2: Congratulations! I bet you are more than satisfied with that.

I'd like to give this a try myself someday; what are the minimum exposures/stacking needed to bring out details in the Milky Way?

I would go for at least 10 x 5 min subs for each part of the mosaic at ISO800.

Thanks for the great comments all. It certainly was a wow moment when that popped out of the stitching program. I may have another go at the individual frames to get a better balance when I have some time.



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I have been waiting for you to stitch it together Kevin, and I have to say you have made a hell of a good job of it. I love these images of our home galaxy, they don't appear all that much.

They give us a reality check regarding the scale of things. We see countless stars in this portion of the MWG, giving us a sense of the enormity of the Universe.

This is a superb Image.


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