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The inaugural StuPOD, winner announced!


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I'm delighted to announce the winner of the inaugural StuPOD.

This prestigious competition is chosen by an esteemed panel of.... a judge, namely me!

The only criteria is that the image must have been taken using a smartphone, with any processsing also done on the phone, no PCs, guiding or decent imaging mounts allowed.

The competition will run on an entirely irregular basis, winners chosen whenever I have the time to chose, and will be selected from images posted to this thread. The Judge's decision is often flawed but always final!

So, the winning image appropriately enough is by the talented newcomer, Stuart Davis, using a Takahashi FC-100 mounted on a manually guided Giro-WR mount with Gitzo tripod and homemade pillar extension. Imaging device was an iPhone 5, with an incrdible total integration time of 400.....ms

Processed with care using PS Express on the iPhone, I give you......


.....the Orion Nebula!


Feel free to post your entries for the next winner, and watch this space!


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1 hour ago, Stu said:

I'm delighted to announce the winner of the inaugural StuPOD.

This prestigious competition is chosen by an esteemed panel of.... a judge, namely me!

The only criteria is that the image must have been taken using a smartphone, with any processsing also done on the phone, no PCs, guiding or decent imaging mounts allowed.

The competition will run on an entirely irregular basis, winners chosen whenever I have the time to chose, and will be selected from images posted to this thread. The Judge's decision is often flawed but always final!

So, the winning appropriately enough is by the talented newcomer, Stuart Davis, using a Takahashi FC-100 mounted on a manually guided Giro-WR mount with Gitzo tripod and homemade pillar extension. Imaging device was an iPhone 5, with an incrdible total integration time of 400.....ms

Processed with care using PS Express on the iPhone, I give you......


.....the Orion Nebula!


Feel free to post your entries for the next winner, and watch this space!


That's a Bleddy awful Image Stu. Well done, I had no Idea Orion had so many naked eye double stars.
Winner hands down. Looks like a pile of sick on a Saturday night pavement lit by street lamps.

I'll ratch out the Box Brownie and see what I can't capture with it.

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1 hour ago, Davey-T said:

Good to see you've set the bar nice and low Stu :grin:


Ohhh! I'm sure I can lower it a little more with fair degree of confidence :icon_brilsmurf:

My 1st shameful offering is a snap of the 9th of May transit of Mercury

FD12EFCB-FF70-481E-98A0-7CDD2320288F.JPGOffering no2 :icon_redface:


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39 minutes ago, Knight of Clear Skies said:

Not my image, but here's Jupiter taken with a Dob and 4k smartphone.


From here on Reddit, the equipment and exposure details are a few posts down.

I may have to disqualify this one on the grounds of excessive competence ;)

EDIT Whilst not wanting to bring too much seriousness to this thread, let's make it mostly about images we have taken personally, although no issues with learning from others doing it better!

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