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Flaming Star neb / Tadpoles in HST


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Flaming Star neb and ic410 (Tadpoles) in NB HST palette. Completed the last channel last night for the HST narrowband version, still short the Green and Blue channels for RGB version. 10 x 1200s each Ha, OIII and SII.

TV NP127is, Moravian G4 16000, 10-Micron GM2000HPS, Chroma Ha, OIII and SII filters (3nM).


http://s970.photobucket.com/user/ChrisLX200/media/Astro - Images G4-16000/Flaming Star LHST PS_zpsd9zgln0d.jpg.html


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Many thanks all :)  I think I've over-done the OIII component though, the extra flexibility offered by PI when combining channels has gone to my head a bit!  I'll have to re-process and tone it down a bit, it looked OK at the time but now it's clear there's too much blue.. The core of ic410 should definitely be blue but the outer areas and surrounding background should not be like that. In the past I've used PhotoShop to combine channels to HST palette.


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The acreage of you FOV never ceases to amaze me.  Great framing Chris.

I agree that the blue is overpowering, but other than that it has your characteristic sharp and crisp processing.  Corners are looking good - is this taken with your corrector?

The pairing of these two targets in one frame is a favourite of mine and I look forward to an update when you're happy with the OIII contribution and balance.

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