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Hi everybody!

I'm Geoff, the username requirement caught me slightly on the hop and is meant to be slightly self-deprecating, hope it doesn't offend anyone.

My good lady bought me my first telescope today, a Bresser 70/700, and lookng online for tips/advice on how to use it we found your site. All I've seen as a guest is really encouraging so I've signed up. I've always been an avid meteor watcher with an interest in, but I'm sorry to say little knowledge of astonomy. I was dragged out of bed by my parents as a six-year-old to witness Neil Armstong set foot on the moon, a memory I'm truly grateful to them for, and also saw what I now think was a fireball meteor at about the same age.

I guess like a lot of you I'm in awe of the Universe, Kat's given me the opportunity to see it in a bit more detail now so here we go!

I'm afraid I probably won't be a prolific poster, first grandchild's on the way etc. etc. but I'm with you in spirit and will be watching more than posting.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself - I'm a bit of and old hippy so no offence if there's 'love to all' and so on in my posts.

Geoff :)

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Hi Geoff. Welcome. I was 6 too when Armstrong walked on the moon. Strangely, can't remember that part of that in my memory, so most likely too sleepy to remember it well, but do remember the Saturn V rocket taking off from Cape Canaveral at the time to take them to the moon though.

Enjoy your time on SGL, your new scope, and more importantly the views thou it. :) 

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Hi again folks,

All set up and been looking at the moon between periods of cloud cover. I took  a previous poster's advice to look at the edges and it took my breath away seeing detail I'd never really considered seeing with my own eyes. I'm going to bed a happy bunny!

Thanks for the welcome messages, a very good night to all!

Geoff :)

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3 hours ago, Nostradimus said:

Hi everybody!

I'm Geoff, the username requirement caught me slightly on the hop and is meant to be slightly self-deprecating, hope it doesn't offend anyone.

I'm not offended, my name is way more self-deprecating than yours!

I win!! :icon_jokercolor:

Proof of that is I made a typo and had to edit my post; another victory!! :headbang:

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Hello and welcome Geoff. All you need to know is logged right here with 
SGL's members. Any Advice or questions, just fire away here, and they will be answered, and quickly too.
And as you are the Ace predictor, could you please PM me the winning Lottery numbers for next Saturday.
Thank You.:icon_biggrin:

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Greeting, Geoff, and a warm welcome to SGL - it's nice to have you here!

All questions of all-things-astronomy are encouraged and, hopefully, answered. It's what we're here for - to share our collective knowledge.

The Moon is a great thing to explore, please do enjoy our nearest neighbor!


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