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No dew issues as yet but the Moon is dominating here as well. Contrast on Jupiter quite nice though.

The Ethos SX 4.7mm looks a bit obscene in the diagonal of the ED120 ! :rolleyes2:



Edited by John
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Unfortunately work tomorrow prevents me enjoying a longer night. The mount was set up before dusk and the second I could see Polaris, the mount was two star aligned with one calibration star. The gotos were great and tracking good enough for visual.  A nice two hours anyway and aided by a UHC filter, watching the Saturn nebula blink, fade and brighten was quite entertaining! 🙄🧐 

Dew wasn't too bad, however I imagine another hour would have left the kit glistening.

Have a good night those who can stay out longer. 👍

Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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Got the FS128 out tonight to look at Jupiter and Saturn. A very bright almost full moon didn't help, and seeing was very poor tonight, all objects were shimmering like jelly!

Saturn was better than Jupiter, but little detail was seen compared to one evening last week.

Nice to see the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn (not in shot) lined up with the naked eye though🙂.



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Andromeda is ready to go and so am I.  

4 nights on Orkney and 2 on Skye as well as 2 other nights north of Berwick, and only one  clear night sky between them.  That aside it was a wonderful break for my wife and I......:smiley:


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11 minutes ago, Saganite said:

Andromeda is ready to go and so am I.  

4 nights on Orkney and 2 on Skye as well as 2 other nights north of Berwick, and only one  clear night sky between them.  That aside it was a wonderful break for my wife and I......:smiley:


What scope is that? Focuser lloks like it belongs on the Nautilus! As a scope and as a turret gun... 

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11 minutes ago, GalaxyGael said:

What scope is that? Focuser lloks like it belongs on the Nautilus! As a scope and as a turret gun... 

It is my 5" f15 Achromat  Andromeda  Colm, made by D&G Optics .  The focuser is a Moonlite 2 speed.

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26 minutes ago, RobertI said:

I’m being brave tonight and trying the 150PL on the CG5 equatorial for visual. Wish me luck!


Have fun Robert. I used my 6” f11 on a Vixen GP a few times, worked quite well.

EDIT just found a picture! Eyepiece was quite high at times though!


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19 minutes ago, Stu said:

Have fun Robert. I used my 6” f11 on a Vixen GP a few times, worked quite well.

EDIT just found a picture! Eyepiece was quite high at times though!


Thanks Stu, that’s quite a canon! 

23 minutes ago, Saganite said:

Good luck Robert , I am sure it will be fine  !

Edited 15 minutes ago by Saganite

Thanks, I shall post a little report tomorrow! 🙂 Your scope looks majestic btw. 

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