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iPhone Transit


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2 minutes ago, Stu said:

That's a great one, was that with an iPhone? ?

Yes, with a little tweaking in editing I managed to get the faculae showing. I did have a green & a yellow filter on the EP at the time, so I'm sure that helped, as I can seen the faculae with the naked eye too. 

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7 minutes ago, Knighty2112 said:

Yes, with a little tweaking in editing I managed to get the faculae showing. I did have a green & a yellow filter on the EP at the time, so I'm sure that helped, as I can seen the faculae with the naked eye too. 

Very nice. I just used the iPhone camera app, not my normal ProCam 3 so have lost all the granulation in mine. Lucky to get it between the clouds though.

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12 minutes ago, Drop Of Sun said:

Nice one, Stu! Nice and sharp!

I hope you don't mind but I had a play with your image!



That made me laugh out loud - very good :lol:


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