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Hello from hampshire


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Im just about to take that big old leap into the deep waters of astronomy :)

just brought myself a 200p on an eq5 mount after doing a lot of research it seems to be a great starting scope with interesting budget upgrade possibilities, in the future me and the miss's would like to get into some imaging but small steps at first.

still waiting to join the Hampshire Astronomical Group, should hopefully be in some time this year. Just thought i would throw out a hello to the community and im sure ill be bothering you all soon for tips and advice :) 

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Hi Ryan and welcome to SGL, very nice choice of scope and mount, many members have derived much pleasure from such equipment. Take things at a steady pace, try not to let the enthusiasm rush you into trying to cross hurdles you do not quite understand. The forum holds a wealth of information and is here to help you with any problems, no matter how silly you may thing your inquiry may be, just ask. We are a very understanding, friendly group and have all been there at some time or another.

Your intention to journey into the dark side, as we affectionately call it, would be first to obtain a copy of Steve Richards book "Making Every Photon Count" the majority of our imaging fraternity, from those starting out to the experienced Astronomer, will have one on their book shelves, see FLO top of the page for details. Enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)


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yea just really want to get out and start learning and seeing things, i can only imagine seeing pictures of all the different planets and nebulae pales in comparison to seeing them with the naked eye :)

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