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BBC 4 - Horzion and Sky at Night


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Watching a bit of Horizon as I pass, but I'm afraid it's "bad old days" Horizon with silly camerawork and editing, as though the media-studies wonks can't understand that the *science itself* is interesting and doesn't *need* flashing around.


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I'd seen that horizon before, but think i orobably learn a bit more every time i watch it. 

S@N was interesting, saves me reading about the 9th planet. I think it was wuite a relaxed and informal one and disn't feel too false. I'm growing to like it again.



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THANK YOU for posting this, I saw your post just in time to drop my iPad and tune in. I hadn't seen either of the shows before and thoroughly enjoyed them, which I wouldn't have done if you'd not bothered to post. 



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I don't care whether S@N science was good or not ... I'm an ugly git with the fashion sense of a gnu but even the other half thinks I'm right when I'd suggest that MA-P needs some occasional advice on 'suitable screen attire'. Even an occasional 'your bra strap is showing' wouldn't go amiss ... makes the whole thing look haphazard.

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Excellent Sky at Night episode. It was a real pleasure to watch a science programme for once that was reasonably fast moving, that assumed  the audience is intelligent, and interested enough to follow a continuous narrative without resorting to fancy graphics and long periods of filler containing fancy music and graphics. Also good to watch and listen to enthusiastic scientists talking to one another.  

The programme contains a very clear overview of how the model predicts to existence of planet 9. They already have compelling evidence from the computer model's prediction of further Kuiper objects in eccentric, out of plane orbits which have now been identified. Brilliant.  I hope they or someone finds to planet observationally soon.  If it's not found they'll need some other interesting explanation to explain the weird orbits of these objects.  

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11 hours ago, 101nut said:

I don't care whether S@N science was good or not ... I'm an ugly git with the fashion sense of a gnu but even the other half thinks I'm right when I'd suggest that MA-P needs some occasional advice on 'suitable screen attire'. Even an occasional 'your bra strap is showing' wouldn't go amiss ... makes the whole thing look haphazard.

I noticed that too, but it rather made me think she was more interested in the science than her appearance. My kind of gal!

Anyone else note the Skywatcher Equinox 80mm on an HEQ5 by the prof's window?

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I enjoyed the episode too. The fact that it remained on largely one subject meant this tantalising news story had a lot of depth to it.

That's said I am sure I read somewhere that this months episode was going to be about Astro imaging? Maybe they changed this due to the Planet 9 news story?

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On 15/02/2016 at 11:30, 101nut said:

I don't care whether S@N science was good or not ... I'm an ugly git with the fashion sense of a gnu but even the other half thinks I'm right when I'd suggest that MA-P needs some occasional advice on 'suitable screen attire'. Even an occasional 'your bra strap is showing' wouldn't go amiss ... makes the whole thing look haphazard.

Why is this important. Our society is hung up on image. M A-P is a lady of substance. She has a degree in Physics and a PhD IN Mechanical Engineering. Against that a bra strap doesn't seem to me to be very important.


She has one characteristic which I personally think is very very important and that is enthusiasm. She has the ability to encourage people. We as a country need far more of them, please do not knock them.


The following is a list of M A-P's achievements from Wikipaedia.



  • 2013 — UK Power List, listed as one of the UK top 10 most influential black people
  • 2013 — Yale University Centre for Dyslexia "Out of the box thinking award"
  • 2012 — UK Power List, listed as one of the UK top 100 most influential black people
  • 2011 — Winner of the "New Talent" award from the WFTV (Women in Film and Television)
  • 2010 — Awarded Honorary fellowship from the British Science Association
  • 2010 — Awarded third STFC Fellowship in Science in Society, held at UCL
  • 2010 — Subject of a BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs episode
  • 2009 — Winner of Red Magazine's "Red’s Hot Women" Award in the pioneering category
  • 2009 — UK Power List, Listed as one of the UK top 100 most influential black people
  • 2009 — Awarded honorary degree from Staffordshire University
  • 2009 — MBE awarded in 2009 New Year’s Honours list for services to science education
  • 2008 — Awarded second STFC Fellowship in Science in Society, held at UCL
  • 2008 — Invited to give a "Friday Night Discourse" at the Royal Institution
  • 2008 — The British Science Association Isambard Kingdom Brunel Award Lecture
  • 2008 — Winner Arthur C Clark Outreach Award for Promotion of Space
  • 2006 — UKRC (now WISE, UK) Woman of Outstanding Achievement
  • 2006 — Awarded inaugural Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Fellowship in Science in Society, held at UCL
  • 2005 — Awarded "Certificate of Excellence" by the Champions Club UK (in recognition of efforts at promoting the study of science among young girls, especially those from ethnic minority backgrounds)


  • Aderin, M. "Space Instrumentation: Physics and Astronomy in Harmony?" Paper presented at the Engineering and Physics - Synergy for Success, 5 October 2006, UK.
  • Barlow, M. J., A. S. Hales, P. J. Storey, X. W. Liu, YG Tsamis, and M. E. Aderin. "Bhros High Spectral Resolution Observations of Pn Forbidden and Recombination Line Profiles." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2, no. Symposium S234 (2006): 367–68.
  • Aderin, M. E. "Bhros Installation and System Performance." Paper presented at the Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy, 21–25 June 2004, USA.
  • Aderin, M., I. Crawford, P. D'Arrigo, and A. Charalambous. "High Resolution Optical Spectrograph (Hros): A Summary of Progress." Paper presented at the Conference on Optical and IR Telescope Instrumentation and Detectors, 27–31 March 2000, Munich, Germany.
  • Aderin, M. E., and I. A. Burch. "Countermine: Hand Held and Vehicle Mounted Mine Detection." Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Detection of Abandoned Land Mines, 12–14 October 1998, London, UK.
  • Aderin, Margaret Ebunoluwa. "Interferometric Studies of Very Thin Lubricant Films in Concentrated Contacts." Thesis (Ph D and D I C ) - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London, 1995.
  • Gunsel, S., H. A. Spikes, and M. Aderin. "In-Situ Measurement of Zddp Films in Concentrated Contacts." S T L E Tribology Transactions 36, no. 2 (1993): 276-82.
  • Aderin, M. E., G. J. Johnston, H. A. Spikes, T. G. Balson, and M. G. Emery. "Film-Forming Properties of Polyalkylene Glycols." Journal of Synthetic Lubrication 10, no. 1 (1993): 23-45.
  • Cann, P.M., M. Aderin, G.J. Johnston, and H.A. Spikes. "An Investigation into the Orientation Oflubricant Molecules in Ehd Contacts." InWear Particles: From the Cradle to the Grave, edited by D. Dowson, G. Dalmaz, T. H. C. Childs, C. M. Taylor and M. Godet. 209–18: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992.
  • Aderin, M., G. J. Johnston, H. A. Spikes, and G. Caporiccio. "The Elastohydrodynamic Properties of Some Advanced Hydrocarbon-Based Lubricants." Lubrication Engineering 48, no. 8 (August 1992): 633-38.



Are bra straps still important?



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There are far worse examples of bad dress on TV and I think she's amazing.  She talks a bit fast for my liking but that's probable due to my age :D  We want more like her covering our subject on TV :)

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