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Hello from Lincolnshire. I've always had a casual interest in astronomy dating back to my school days when I was a member of the astronomy club (admittedly my prime reason for joining was the early lunch pass that went with it :blush: ). In my youth I was the proud owner of a half decent refractor telescope and seeing Saturn and its rings confirmed my interest. Recently my interest has been more in the area of the physics behind the workings of the universe rather than observing it, this changed a year ago when my wife gave me a 70mm celestron travel refractor telescope but the instability of the somewhat basic mount (read cheap and nasty tripod) has limited its use to observations of a few planets and the moon. Recently I participated in the stargazing live "pulsar hunters" project and was fortunate enough to be one of the thirtyish people that classified the binary pulsar that was announced on the show. On the back of this I seem to have gained a new enthusiasm for astronomy and as a result I'm currently awaiting delivery of a Skywatcher explorer 200p on an eq5 mount. I'll take this opportunity to give you all advanced warning of the likely barrage of stupid questions that are likely to follow as I try to get to grips with it (I've not used a telescope or mount of this type since my school days).

I look forward to pestering you all with a wide variety of questions and hopefully in time being able to assist others with there's.

Thanks for letting me join up. James :smile:

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Thanks for the welcome chaps, I appreciate the faith you have Bob but I would wait to see my questions before you pass judgment on how daft they are (I have a reputation for excelling myself in that respect :icon_jokercolor: ). At the minute I can't wait to get my hands on my new scope and get back fully in to the joy of observing the heavens, hopefully under the guidance of the clearly knowledgeable chaps and chapesses that frequent this site :happy8:

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Hi James and welcome to the forum. It won't take you long to pick up on how everything works and where you will choose to specialise but there's no rush, the stars aren't going any place soon (....I hope not :evil6:)

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Well my new scope arrived yesterday and I managed to assemble it relatively easily (not too many "spare parts" left over) the only problem now is the weather! I must say I'm a tad frustrated to have a new toy to sit looking at rather than through especially as judging by the forecast I could be in for a bit of a wait :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

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Ok! I don't know quite how to put this but I'll try my hardest. I've signed up to, got involved with and had varying degrees of enjoyment from a number of forums/clubs over the years but this is the first time that I've made known my dissatisfaction with the weather only for persons or persons unknown to arrange for the sky's to suddenly clear just so I can play with a new toy so on that basis I would like to thank stargazers lounge, all its members and admin team for their meteorological influence :icon_salut:

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