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Packing away routine - what do you do?


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I have read various bits of advice about what to do with cold optics at the end of an observing session and would be interested to know what others do.

I keep my eyepieces and diagonals in two flight cases. When outside I keep the cases closed and only open them to swap EPs but they all become very cold by the end of the session. I store these items in the house when not in use so at the end of the observing session I take the cases into the house, sit them on the dining room table with the lids open and rest all of the optics on top of the foam block with the dust caps off to allow them to dry. I then replace all the caps and put the EPs and diagonals into their slots in the cases in the morning, ready to be packed away.

Am I doing the wrong thing?

What do you do?

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Like you, I use two flight cases, keep them shut when not changing eyepieces. I leave the cases closed and inside overnight so that the condensation doesn't form. Then I open them up and leave for a few hours.


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Much the same routine, which additionally applies to filters and finders. Items are left placed on a large wooden coffee table, I may not necessarily leave eyepieces uncapped until morning (even after returning from a late night trip), preferring to recap after a suitable period but only when they have become fully demisted. All items are left loose until the morning and storage case, bags are vented, so not placing anything away. In the morning I usually inspect everything again and apply an air blower to eyepiece caps, lens and filters etc prior to re-storage.

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The only thing I would add, is to store the scope with lens cap off, and pointing down. Any significant condensation will fall off and not pool on the lens. Recap in the morning

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I keep eyepieces warm in my pocket when out, I never take more than 3 out so only need to pocket 2.

When I come in I cap all eyepieces and cap my scope lense before coming in. I let them all warm up with caps on to stop condensation happening. Then I uncap and double check they are dry before putting them away.

With a bit of care I can do a couple of hours outside with no heaters and come in and not have any dew form on any lenses at all.

I would add I wrap my scope up on camping mat and that buys quite a lot of time before dewing up.

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I do the same as you Derek - must get some dessicant too.

On a similar line if questioning, I bring my dobs inside the house to where I store, but the primary does fog up coming in from the cold to the warmer house.

Is this poor practice? I don't have a nice dry garage to store in - just a spider infested wooden shed.

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I do the same as you Derek - must get some dessicant too.

On a similar line if questioning, I bring my dobs inside the house to where I store, but the primary does fog up coming in from the cold to the warmer house.

Is this poor practice? I don't have a nice dry garage to store in - just a spider infested wooden shed.

Similar with mine, though the back room where I keep the dobs, the central heating when on is low. Overnight I will keep it horizontal on the mount.  For venting, I may remove the dust covers for a brief period, though prefer to keep them on prior to turning in as they are the fabric breathable Astrozap type.

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