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Completely new to astronomy, so I'm looking forward to sharing ideas and having a good chat with you all

I'm looking to buy my first telescope and it is a Dobsonian x10" Orion for £516 off Amazon. It comes with a x2 Barlow lens, a red LED light and a beginner's stargazing toolkit (whatever that is). 

My preference is to look at planets rather than deep sky objects, so with that in mind, Is the above telescope adequate for my needs or is there something else I should consider for the price?

I hear a lot of talk about getting binoculars first, but my mind is made up; I really do want a telescope. 

I hope I haven't violated any forum rules by asking the above questions

Thanks all. 

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I think, for planets a long focal length refractor or cassegrain will be more suitable. From what I have learnt I think newtonians are more suited the DSOs. I'll leave other more experienced members to recommend specific models. But yeah, I think that although dobs are great at planets and DSOs, I think a refractor or a cassegrain will be better for your needs. Other members might also like to know if you plan to do imaging or not, and how portable you need it to be.

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Hi Chris-J,

Warm welcome to SGL. I don't think you have broken any rules :grin: .. However I would advise that you open a new thread in the Help Section so that you don't get the hellos & scope advice mixed up. The scope you have selected is a great scope, though would agree above that an SCT would probably suit more if looking at the planets. However a 10"  sct would be far greater in cost.

The 10" dob would make a great all rounder for you suitable for planets and dso's. If you buy direct from orion it is £475. Located here  :--http://uk.telescope.com/home.jsp?gclid=CK73poPHoccCFQ3ItAodVgMGtQ

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Hi Chris and welcome to SGL, Well that has certainly taken the plunge with a 10" Dobsonian to start with, the one mentioned by our Mr Spock, will certainly be just as pleasurable to use as the Orion. The add on extras from amazon, like the red torch, Barlow and Moon maps, you can source separately. Enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)

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