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30-05-2015 Quark Chromosphere


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I caught quite a bit of data yesterday, they are stacked but most waiting to be processed.

As it was late in the afternoon I was expecting very bad seeing effects from the patio & houses etc, I know they say you get better imaging in the morning.............but do you ?

Hope these appeal to some & thanks for looking.

post-11075-0-73514500-1433084420.png   post-11075-0-04874800-1433084426.png

post-11075-0-22178000-1433084470_thumb.p   post-11075-0-78685900-1433084480_thumb.p


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Wow fantastic images, Ewan! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

My way, seeing is in general better in the morning, but that is only in general. Noon is typically poor, but now and again it has been very good then! Whatever time of day, I never know, so it's usually worth a shot my way regardless of time.

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Wow fantastic images, Ewan! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

My way, seeing is in general better in the morning, but that is only in general. Noon is typically poor, but now and again it has been very good then! Whatever time of day, I never know, so it's usually worth a shot my way regardless of time.

Cheers Luke, they came out pretty ok but my god I struggle with mosaics :mad:

Really wish they would play ball, processing a few panes, even joined, is not a problem, going up to a full disc.............blimey.

It's a poor show I feel but I am posting it anyway for any tips.

The seeing 'thing', hmmm not too sure myself.

I have read that the percentage of 'good' seeing per year shall we say is very very small indeed & not enough to cause concern, either way I have no choice shooting when I do & the real test will come in summer if it's hot.

If I can produce some good shots then seeing for me won't exist :grin:  :grin:

Nice results Ewan, only had ten minutes  Sun here yesterday.


I really hate it when that happens Dave, you honestly do start to get, what is almost, withdrawal symptoms, well I do.

Hope you fair better this week mate.

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Some lovely fine detail in the surface shots and great 3D in the filaments Ewan.  Top notch imaging.

Thanks Robin, I bring the filaments out a little more using layers in PS.

I copy the main layer, stretch to a point I want as a final image, stretch the original layer so it's fairly bright then make a layer mask on 'my final' image layer & use the eraser tool + some Opacity & go over the filaments with a fine point.

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Thanks to everyone for commenting.

I will have a crack at the other two mosaic runs I managed, maybe salvage something better.

I shot the mosaics at 60fps to a 1000 frames for each pane, as there are 17 panes it's a good medium as the sun is forever changing.

If either come out I will post it up, shouldn't have posted the one above as it's a little yuk sorry.

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Lovely images Ewan!  

Were they taken with your 80mm scope?  (I have a Quark on order and am musing about what scope to pair it with..)


Sure was Helen, glad you opted to buy a Q as well, you won't regret that purchase in a hurry.

I used my 80mm EDT  + a 0.5 Focal Reducer.

With my setup imaging with the Q I am at F25.8, the scope falls in the middle of Daystar's recommended f ratio for the Q.

Either of your WO scopes will be a great match with it, look forward to seeing your Quark images Helen.

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Some gorgeous detail captured

Welcome back Michael.

You must have grabbed some today ?

I have just come back in, 50GB to copy over then down to some processing ☺

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