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Meteors galore


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Only saw 4 in the end but yet to review the two cameras though not hugely hopeful as they could only look just south east and the show had moved too far round to capture I think.

In the dead of night it was surprising how noisey the mirror flip was!

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Although it was clear, in the sense of no clouds, there was so much humidity in the air that the LP was rubbish, so the two that I saw must have been inherently bright. Thank heavens for NB imaging.

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Had great views here in Dorset  of Orion, M41 & M47 tonight from my south facing window using my 15x70 Helios Bino,s, Wood burner blasting out  with all the comforts from a recliner chair hear indoors,   :bino2: ,

     Fair few shooting stars at Midnight going over now with some going through Orion :grin: ,


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Great in the South West: eldest daughter enthusiastically tallied 11; three of those were whilst waiting for the annual lights-on at Mousehole.

It really delighted them more than most astro. Full cloud cover by 11:30 (well past bedtime), but both girls have decided they want to build a temporary observatory to continue to observe.

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out between 00:00 and 02:15 in the Isle of Wight (got home late and looks like I missed the main show).

Grass cunchy and frosty underfoot, sky clear and moon quite low until later on but still only 4 seen.

(Two corkers with trails).

I also did a bit of DSO work with the scope so I may well have missed a few, and came in when Gemini was passing



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Was out between 21:45 and 01:00 last night. Conditions good here in South Wiltshire, no cloud at all. In that time counted 70 Geminids, maybe six or seven bright ones. Also saw a couple of fainter Ursids. By the time I decided to call it a night (freezing fingers and toes!), the last quarter moon was starting to make its unwelcome presence felt.

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I saw only 6 last night. Everyone was teasing me because I kept missing them. On the upside I saw Uranus (for the first time, yay!) as well as M75, the Andromeda Galaxy and both the others in it's local group, the Ring Nebula, Alberio double, Orion Nebula, the ISS as well as Jupiter and all four moons. Great company in our dome at the Bristol Astronomical Society last night. Fabulous evening.


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Lovely and clear out there tonight, typically no chance to put the scope out. Just managed ten minutes in the garden having a gawp up at the sky and saw three Geminids and one sporadic (through Orion). Very nice

Jupiter looking lovely, need to get the Vixen on it!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I took no chances & whisked myself off to Tenerife especially for the Geminids. We had perfect clear skies on the Saturday & Sunday. I recorded about 30 before they got too much to keep count. I must have seen about 100 over the 4 nights I was there. I would have seen many more if I wasn't messing about with cameras or talking to various people.

Friday night was quite cloudy, but I still managed to catch this screamer.


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