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Hi from The Maritimes (Canada)


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Here in The Maritimes we just had a few clear nights ... for about 1/2 hour the seeing was very good judging from diffraction circles on the conponents of the dbl-dbl near Vega.  But not as clear as in the Hurrican Arthur aftermath in July when I could see Andromeda Galaxy with naked-eye with the city power grid down !

I am working with an old yoke-mount SCT-8, a C6-R, C102R and a Televue Ranger ... the last 3 share an old C5 mount rigged up on a surveyors tripod and with non-standard weights (bursistis).  Oh, for carbon-fibre tubes !

I have a little imaging gear that is a decade old, but still prefer manual star-hopping.

My best lens are Celestron 32, their better 12.5 and 7.5 and 2 Televue Ploessel ( 40 and 8 ) all 1.25"

I have only two 2" lenses : an old 40 and a Panoptic 40 - the old 40 is a good match to the SCT and the Panoptic is good in the C6 and C102 ( as a spotter for the SCT 8)

My best small spotter is an Antares 50mm for the SCT; the others are Celestron and Orion.  My star diagonals are still Celestron's.

I have a Meade 26mm lens that is rather good, but I more often use the Celstron Ploessel 20 and 17.  I have a large, heavy advanced Celestron 5mm lens, but I more often use the good Televue Barlow or a better that avg. Celstron Barlow with the 20 and 12.5.

I do not have binocular vision. Drat.

I have made a portable mount for the excellent Televue Ranger : a surveyor-pole bipod rigged with a Manfrotto monopod and various pan photo tripod parts to create a carbin fibre EQ head using the panoramic camera heads and one tilt head as the polar axis.  I should post a picture.  I take it out to a darker baseball diamond.  My issue has been carrying weight due to an old military-days spine injury. Oh well ... I have modified a powered golf bag carrier trike to get the gear down the road ... if only that trike were robotic GPS-controlled !

My big plan is an astro-vacation south of 25th Lat N with access to a 10" , 11 or 14" aperture scope.  Any suggestions ? Not getting any younger ... but on a small pension ;-)

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Hi Rshiflet and welcome to SGL, sounds like you are a handyman with converting surveying gear, I also use one of the old type wooden surveying tripods, with bronze fittings and Ash legs. A very solid base for most mounts. Same position as you with the pension, so you have to make do where you can with DIY, but fortunately, I built up a small workshop before I retired, so I have things a little easier. Can`t help with the vacation, but whatever you do enjoy :)

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Hi ! I am also from Canada (Québec) but I've been in France (Paris) for the last 12 years now.

Welcome to the forum and clear skies !

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