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Hello from sunny Cyprus


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Hi folks,

I have been posting here quite a bit lately, but never *sort of properly* introduced myself. 

I've been active in this hobby for the past 3 years actively and like many people it was the views of Saturn that got me engaged. On the 6th of December 3 years ago (which happens to be my nameday), I dressed up really well, brewed myself a strong cup of java and set up my (long gone by now) Celestron Omni XLT 150mm Reflector on CG4 to see what I could make out of Saturn.

I used at the time a *humble* Celestron 8-24mm zoom which proved quite sufficient for the task. At about 4:30 am I had my first ever view of Saturn and then as soon as I managed to stop gaping at the views, I knew that this hobby was for me and I have been strongly supporting the global economy for the past 3 years, one bit of astronomy gear at a time.  :grin:

Over here in Cyprus, we generally have excellent transparency / seeing (pick one or the other but rarely the two together) and from where I live there are 4 dark sky sites with SQM of about 21+ within an hour's drive. The wife does not share the passion for the hobby, but she does push me to engage in it as she has noticed how relaxed and stress free (although very sleepy) I tend to be the morning after observing. It doesn't rain that much and the views of are fantastic in the winter, although in the summer we are occasionally affected by dust from Africa. 

I generally go between 1 to 3 times a month to one of the dark sites available and now I am adding to my telescope stable another couple of scopes for use primarily from my back yard for imaging the moon, binoviewing for the moon (with a soon to come Orion Optics UK 140mm Mak Cass) and for frequent quick sessions of the moon, the odd double star and planets with a custom built 60mm scope.

I am a member in other forums as well, but I must say that this place is much more relaxed than others. There is friendly bantering and teasing, mixed with some good knowledge passed around, so looking forward to said friendly banter with you gentlefolk.

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Welcome to SGL even though as you say you have been around for a while. You could send me some sunshine as it is very English here at the moment, it has been the worst summer in the 16 years I have been here. It would be nice to see a report on your 140mm from Orion if you get a chance to write one, they are meant to be very good scopes but seem expensive.


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Welcome to SGL even though as you say you have been around for a while. You could send me some sunshine as it is very English here at the moment, it has been the worst summer in the 16 years I have been here. It would be nice to see a report on your 140mm from Orion if you get a chance to write one, they are meant to be very good scopes but seem expensive.


Hi Alan,

Just spoke yesterday with John and Barry at OO UK and the scope will be shipped end of next week. Looking forward to it and I will do a write up. The scope is expensive but:

1. The optics are better than your average run of the mill MCT

2. The FOV is flatter courtesy of the Rumak design

3. The weight is a meagre 3.5 kilograms.

4. The optics are further enhanced as it is actually a 150mm primary stopped to 140mm so any aberrations apparent at the edges are masked.

The weight was a key matter for me as I plan to mount it on a Nexstar 6SE/8SE mount and use it with binoviewers (more added weight with binoviewers).

Problem is that to submit a formal review, I need to have 250 posts, but I am getting there. Once I hit that mark, I will also submit my review of my Orion Optics 12" which I wrote for another forum (but it is still in queue for publishing).

Yes, the weather is truly horrid over here. 27 degrees Celsius and sunny. I am planning to do some serious observing next weekend and the weekend after that when the moon will depart.

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Hi Pete,

Thanks for the welcome!

Hi Michael,

Yes, the overall mood here is more laid back and I find myself spending more time here the more time goes by!

On another matter, should any fellow amateur astronomer visit Cyprus (and I know that you British lot love coming over here!), I would be more than happy to provide a ride, telescope and gear to observe. 

And any planetary/lunar imager can have use of my Nexstar mount and OO Mak to image and even use my laptop and Nexstar Image 5 webcam  :grin:  

The only downside to this offer is that I can pick up people and deliver back from Nicosia. The offer stands as is!

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Do you know the saying rubbing salt into the wounds, well you know how to do that, I have just been outside laying bricks in a drizzle that Scotland would be proud of, still at least I didn't have to wet them first.

You will soon clock uo 250 posts and you as far as I see always write good interesting stuff. I think you need a good while to see the scope over a few weeks, I do plenty of hours with eyepieces when I write a review and this normally takes a month or so, the last reviews have taken 3 months to put together, when I started Mars was just past opposition, I'm sure you will do a great job.

I am getting a 12 inch from Orion after Christmas though I may order before, I think I will go for the F5.3 and best optics.


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I was checking a few minutes ago other parts of the forum and there is a Member Equipment Reviews forum.

I will post tomorrow my review of my 12" f4 OO Dob there as I don't need 250 posts on that part of the forum.

I have been using the Dob for the past 10 months quite frequently so I have a fairly good idea of its capabilities.

My review is not so much about the views (although views are of course covered extensively), but have to do with the overall process of getting the scope and its features / usability / limitations / benefits.

The mirrors are nothing short of spectacular but one must always consider the whole package. It's all good stuff with very few minor exceptions. 

As I said, I will put it up tomorrow morning, or late this evening if I have the time.

FInally, regarding the proverbial salt in the wound / twisting the knife thingie, well, Cyprus is not that far away. Come on over and have fun with my scope prior to placing your order!!!

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Thank you all for such a warm welcome!

Marios, we are on for observing in 10 days! 

Sarah, I hope you are putting that TV60 through its paces!

Mary, I posted yesterday my review of my Orion Optics 12" Dob. I hope you enjoy it: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/227059-orion-optics-uk-vx-12-f4-review/

To everybody, thank you for such a warm welcome!!!  :grin:

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