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Horsehead (Barnard 33) and Flame Nebula (NGC 2024)


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Horsehead and Flame from this week's trip to Fuerteventura...conditions weren't ideal during the night so I didn't capture half as much data as I wanted to...(I wanted enough to finally put this one to bed)...

Alnitak isn't behaving again...that is one stubborn star and needs taming...might have another go at processing.

Modified Canon 650D
Canon 500mm f/4 L IS @ f/4
AstroTrac TT320X Mount
30x 180 second lights @ ISO400



Horsehead (Barnard 33) and Flame Nebula (NGC 2024) by StuartJPP, on Flickr



Thanks for looking...

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Many thanks for commenting everybody!

great job! not seen the horse for a while :)

I am sure that you will start seeing them shortly...I still want to nail this one but will have to see if the cloud gods will cooperate...

Looking really nice Stuart - I think you are being very hard on yourself :smiley:

I know but it becomes an obsession...you should know :)

I really adore these slightly wider than usual shots, and the astrotrac really shines in your capable hands.

Don't stop posting these ever.

I won't stop for now as I intend on sticking with this imaging system for a while yet...perhaps a new mount but will stick to the imaging system...

Very nice!

I caught a glimpse of this one just as I was packing up last night, its going to be at least 2 months before I get to see it properly! In regard to your taming of Alnitak - give this a try and see if its works:


Will give it a go thanks! I did read it a when you posted it but totally forgot about it :rolleyes:

Awesome! So beautiful --- it's the first horse head that I have seen in a long while that isn't over-saturated. 


I aim to please :p   Seriously though I prefer the more subtle approach. Especially when this is how it came out of the OSC camera. NB imaging and mapping colours is another story, there you have the freedom to do whatever creates a smashing image.

I like the field of view. Very nice image. 

It is always nice to get closer, but sometimes it is nice to get the whole picture to put things into context. I was hoping for an even wider field image with both HH and M42 in but the clouds weren't having any of it...

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