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The 'house' M33.


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This is a popular target with guests and I tend to see if I can use new data to tickle up the 'house' image. I must be about at the data limit now for this shortish focal length image (really three focal lengths since varisous scopes have weighed in, but it is mainly a short FL image.) And I dream up little processing tweaks. It keeps me off the streets!  This galaxy has a 'grainy surface' look which makes me worry that it's noisy but I don't think it is. It can't be with thirty odd hours!



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loving this a lot olly! is it Ha,RGB?

what length exposures did you do?

It's LRGB plus Ha added only to red. Subs were mainly 15 minutes. The background sky is, as usual for me in galaxy images, RGB only. This makes it easier to keep the stars small and colourful.


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I think it appears 'grainy' Olly because you're resolving stars in it! Blue giants perhaps, but I've seen it my own image and it's def not noise :)


I wouldn't rule out that possibility. While you might need more resolution to resolve individual stars blue giants can be several orders of magnitude brighter than their neighbours, so they could dominate the light received on a given pixel. This would get averaged out more when looking at more distant galaxies. Andromeda is about the same distance and doesn't show this, but perhaps it's composed of older stars on average? Would be interesting to find out.

Another possibility that comes to mind is that the distribution of dust might be different to other galaxies. Triangulum is quite small compared to Andromeda and M101 so a lot less massive, could dust escape from the disc more easily?

Or it could be something completely different. :)

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