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Let's see your 1st DSOs


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I've had a few attempts at M42, but this is the best I've managed so far.

This is a single 45 second exposure at ISO 800 that I've processed in Lightroom 3. I did take about 35 images, together with the same number of Darks but I didn't get very good results when processing in the trial version of Nebulosity.


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This is my first real effort.


It's the Orion Nebula obviously and using a SkyWatcher 200p on an EQ5 with a Cannon 1100D.

There are around 20 x 30s subs, I can't remember exactly, and they were with the ISO set to 800. I didn't use any darks or flats as I wasn't sure what they were at the time, but I'm learning all the time and hope to do better when I next go out imaging.

I think the scope took a knock when some of the subs were taken, hence the trail, as I wasn't using a remote shutter. I should have binned the offending images, but as it was my first effort I didn't know any better.

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7th March 2012: This really was my first DSO taken on my nice spangly new Atik 314L+. I really didn't have much of an idea how long the subs should be or even how to process it - but somehow I ended-up with this:
What a lot of detail - that's great! ;) Now you just want a filter wheel and set of LRGB filters to fill that great image with lovely colour :)
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My first attempt. Leo triplets, x45 30s subs with 150p eq3-2 under light polluted sky and haze. Quite pleased with the result but I think it needed a lot more data.

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Hi, This was my first try at Astrophotography. I took this in my backyard with LP within city. I used my Canon XSI, 90 sec exposure, @ ISO 800, tracking (no guiding) prime focus,

LX200GPS 8" ALT/AZ mount. post process with Lighthouse3. enjoy!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not surprising that M42 is many people's 1st DSO target. Mine was 6 Feb 2009. LX90, Canon 450d, 15sec ISO800. 5 subs stacked manually in PS Elements. Darks? Flats? RAWs? What are they?


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Very good first shot - lots of lovely red glow :D You could get a lot more out of that with stretching the histogram. (Called Curved in most image processing software.)

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  • 1 month later...

My first deep sky target; the Pleiades.

Pentax K-x with M42 Helios 125mm portrait lens @ f2.8 3.0s @ ISO3200

on standard Tripod.


It was taken autumn last year and i love the blueness of the central stars, even if they are bizzarely triangular.

Edited by KeithFarmer
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