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Hello from the High Desert of Southern California


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   Hello,  I've been back to astronomy for about 9 months now, after being away for about 30 years.  I am a member of another forum, but decided that it would be nice to meet others who might not be a member of that particular venue.

  I started back with a simple telescope, and Orion Starblast 6, and several months later, started to take the plunge into what I had always dreamed of doing, astrophotography.  It has been a long climb to accomplishing this goal, but have finally found success, and am now addicted to imaging, when the skies allow such.

  But my first love is visual astronomy.  As a child, my parents knew of my interest in the activity, and one holiday, purchased a Tasco 3 inch reflector, that I nearly used to death.  About all I could see, and really knew about was the Moon.  So I went about viewing and drawing this magnificent object.  Sadly to say, my artwork no longer exists.

  After middle school, my focus became doing my best in high school.  So I pretty much gave up the astronomy endeavor until years later, when stationed in W. Germany, at the time, I purchased what was my dream telescope, a Celestron 8" SCT orange tube, and a 90mm Celestron spotting scope, plus all the other stuff to try my hand at astrophotography.  Of course, being so isolated, no internet, etc., I hadn't a clue as to what I was doing, and encountered the typical frustration. and failure.  I eventually became too involved in my military career to pursue astronomy, and thusly, the long gap until now.

  I am gratefully retired, and found that the bug never left me.  With access to the internet and a lot of information and many, many helpful people to share with, and learn from, I am back, and I figure, will stay with the pastime until they bury me with my telescope.  Is there astronomy in the hereafter?

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Half a world away from you - but the same things up there. I have an awful lot to learn and wouldn't even contemplate the challenges of AP - but many here are experts.

I'm sure you'll enjoy this forum.

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im new here to

wonderful bunch of folks :grin:  I cant imagin 30 years from it   but glad to see you getting back into it.

astro imaging realy gets you sometimes frustrating and yet pleaseall at once and  I cant wait to get

some darker nights or early start mornings

cheers jj

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