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NGC7000 - The Wall


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Follow up from my Ha image last month, now managed to get the OIII and SII, but been tough with short nights and unpredictable weather :)

For the full size version go here - http://astrob.in/106038/0/


This is my toughest shot yet, taken a month of imaging over 6 nights, with a total time of 8.7hours!! capture details as follows

Ha - 11x10mins
SII - 4x10mins and 4x30mins (these were tricky)
OIII - 19x10mins and 2x30mins (also tricky)

Total time of 520mins or 31,200 seconds!!

I could get more data on this but its a law of diminishing returns so time to move onto the next challenge, I'm pleased with this for now .

All taken with my MN190 scope with Atik cooled CCD (@ -20deg C) on my homebuild pier and roll off shed observatory.

Thanks for looking


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Thanks for all the comments guys, feels like I have run a marathon with this one so tonight I'm treating myself to some nice relaxed visual, sometimes get so obsessed with imaging that I forget about where it all started and what got me into it in the first place. Veil with an OIII filter to start methinks :)


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