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After studying astronomy 20 ish years ago, I'm now getting back to practical observing. I've been to a couple of local club meetings but they have stopped for the summer. I'm getting familiar with the night sky with the aid of a decent pair of 10*50 bins but am eager to get a scope. Pretty sure that a Dobsonian is best for my needs (general use but may get hooked on a particular topic at various times) and am not sure whether to start with the 200mm or pay 50% more for the 250mm. I'll probably post more info in the Equipment section for advice.

We are semi-rural, in North Hampshire, and have a large garden with plenty of trees etc to hide behind to obscure light. 

Not sure what else to say but would appreciate any advice and I'll be happy to help others where I can.


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Hi and welcome to SGL - I'm not a visual person at all, but understand that the dob really is the best all round scope for observing. I think that if you have the space, budget and ability to move the bigger scope around, then I'd go for that one. Do look closely at the size of it though.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi DPC and welcome to SGL, sounds like a nice location, "plenty of trees" can be useful at times, but a real pain when they interfere with a chosen target. If you can manage the 250 Dob it will certainly have advantages over the 200 for DSO, enjoy :) 

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Hi & Welcome to SGL. Good luck with whatever scope you decide on, I am waiting on delivery of  Skywatcher 200P Dobsonian, would have  went for  the 250 but I wouldn't have been able to manage it on my own, without hubbys help.

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Hi and welcome to the lounge,

and welcome to this wonderful hobby, hope you choose the right 

scope, bigger is better, but the bigger the heavier, if you have to

move your scope a long way down the garden you may get backache,

but if you split the scope from the Dobsonian mount it makes it easier.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's 

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