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Hello from Northumberland


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Just thought that as I have just signed up to this forum site, that I should say hello!

I'm looking to get my first telescope to look at the sky and having read review after review I think I've decided on the Skymax 127 Skyscan Goto AZ. Any comments, positive or negative, about this choice would be welcome as I have no experience (yet).

I'm looking forward to getting out and seeing what I can see and discover.


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Hi Graham. Looks a good scope but it all really depends on what you intend to do with it. Is this for just planetary viewing or DSOs too? What about astrophotography?

As I said, nice choice but it really needs to suit your needs.

Welcome to SGL and you have come to the right place for advice.



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Thanks Mark. I want to start with planetary viewing and then expand from there. I do eventually want to get into astrophotography but want to walk before I can run. I guess there is no quick way to get experience.

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Get a nice wide view eyepiece to do the alignment with, 32mm or 40mm plossl.

Set up the finder scope as well.

Check and double check the data, write it down, then read what it asks you to input.

Goto's are not hard, but they are unforgiving, if you tell it something wrong it will not say "Excuse me, do you really mean that?"

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Hi Graham and welcome to SGL - Enjoy the ride that is astronomy!! If you've not already done so, then download the free planetarium programme Stellarium, it will really give you a good idea of what is out and about when you get your scope.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi Graham welcome to the lounge,

the planets are the best way to start observing, and your choice

of scope will be perfect for them, you will enjoy S G L, as there is

lot's of help and advice here, so don't be afraid to ask.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Hi Graham,

Welcome to SGL, not sure about your scope choice as I dont know enough about that one, I would think one that does planetary and DSO viewing would be good, I have a skywatcher 200p om an eq mount and that does me very well for viewing and astropics, your in the right 9lace as the knowledge on the lounge is second to none, and all are real gems, happy gazing and enjoy your astronomy.


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Many thanks to you all for the warm friendly welcome. I'm sure I will be looking to exploit ( in a friendly way of course) your knowledge and experience over the coming weeks and months as I attempt to look at the sky.

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