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New member from the left coast...


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Of the US, that is. Just broadeneing my horizons here by joining a more globally oriented forum. I've been involved in astronomy, in one form or another, on and off, for something like 40 years. Yes, I was one of thse pathetic souls who's deep sky imaging experience started with film, a home made cold camera, and buckets of dry ice. Long story short, it's been a long and winding road, as they say, but along the way I've climbed at least a part of the learning curve associated the transition to CCD technology and modern equipment. I currently run a Deep Sky Instruments RC10C for smaller objects and a Stellarvue 130 EDT for wider field images, both atop an AP900GTO with a QSI 683wsg-5 as my main imager and an SX Lodestar for a guder. Much more managable than my old self built 12.5" F5 Newt  mounted on a custom built Cave-style GE and using a joystick to try to keep the cross hairs center on a guide star in a very dim, barlowed Celestron C5. Oy!

I still consider myself pretty much a beginner, and I'm looking forward to the new tips/tricks I'm sure I'll be exposed to here.

Thanks to those responsible for building this forum and community. I'm sure I'll enjoy me time here.

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Welcome to SGL.

I too started imaging many years ago with film. I remember manually guiding through a 80mm F11 guide scope with illuminated cross hair EP.

I only did that once or twice, absolutely back breaking. So I take my hat off to you :)

I hope you enjoy being here.


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Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome!! I've done some lurking here as a guest and was impressed by the level of expertise, willingness to help, and just general civility. I hope to contribute to that.


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