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Hi all

I have had one of those moments like "hmm I need to build a train set" or " its time I bought myself a synthesiser" or " Its time I owned a telescope to see the nebula" and yes all those real astronomers will sigh at another amateur who thinks they will own the hubble for a couple of hundred pounds.

So I have spent a couple of nights looking at and learning what a complicated and difficult decision it can be.

First off I am pretty internet savvy and of all the forums I have ever visited it really struck me how refreshing you all are when it comes to patience with people asking obvious questions etc no flaming, just good advice, there is hope for the world or maybe you have to have an abundance of patience to stand out half the night in the cold in the hope the cloud will clear and that is reflected here .

I am 55 and live  in Exeter and have recently been diagnosed with lung disease, its been a bad 12 months and I am looking for something to take my mind off work, wife and life in general.

As I look through the posts about what to buy it makes it so hard, but I would like to post up some questions when I am nearer to making a decision

Thanks for making this forum available to save fools like me  from throwing away money on kit that wont give us what we expect.

Warm Regards


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Welcome to SGL Alan.

Sincerely hope your health improves soon.

Ask anything you like no matter how silly it seems and we will help.

We love to spend other peoples money for them but you will always receive sound, honest advice.

Just remain open minded and remember that there is no "one great scope that does everything"


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Heya Alan. 

A warm welcome ( well as warm a welcome  as a norwegian can provide that is) from another new member of today. 

I have been reading posts and threads here for awhile, and taken advantage of the tips given here.

The experienced members in here have been remarkably friendly and helpful to new members and beginners in astronomy.

 I`ve followed threads were members have spent hours to help beginners getting started, which scope to buy, where to look for it.


There’s been no showing off, no arrogant answers, just friendliness and lots of patience. It is the brilliantly trained minds of them that makes SGL this tremendous database of knowledge, but it is their kindness and helpfulness that makes SGL a great forum.

best wishes


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Hi Alan and welcome to SGL - I'm sorry to hear of your health problems, I hope they can improve. On the other hand you have certainly picked an absorbing hobby to put life back into perspective again :grin: As an imager I can offer very little advice on the visual side of things, in fact what I know could be written on a pin head, but there's plenty of folks who know their stuff and love spending other people's money :grin: 

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi Alan and welcome, from another keen beginner just down the road from you. Good luck with the scope choice. If you are able to get there, the folk at the Norman Lockyer Observatory are very helpful when deciding on your next step in astronomy.

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