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Well Hello!


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Hi all,

I smoke, wife hates it, so for years I have stood out in the back garden staring at the sky. On the rare occasion it isn't raining, I have always wondered about the stuff above me.

Caught the Stargazing live programmes on the Beeb the other week and next thing I know I'm at a local event looking at Jupiter!  Since then I have been smitten, devouring magazines, googleing terms like Horsehead and Rosetta and watching the Discovery Channel.

I have taken the plunge and agreed to buy a telescope which I will pick up next weekend. Far too big and complicated for an absolute beginner but what the hell, live once and all that. I will have absolutely no idea what to do with it, how to set it up or use it. I don't know what I will be able to see and if it will be comparable to what I saw at the SGL event. I don't know where anything is in the sky, didn't realise Ken Barlow made lenses and still think Pluto is a planet....

I'm hoping you good chaps really won't get fed up of my endless questions.


Michael from Sittingbourne, Kent.

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Welcome to SGL Michael - Glad that you found us. This place is full of friendly folks and a couple of knowledgeable ones too!!! :grin: Ask as many questions as you need, we all started from the same place.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Thanks for the welcome!

Telescope is a Celestron C9.25-SGT XLT

Overkill for a beginner maybe? It is second hand and comes with various extras, 5 eye-pieces and a Barlow lens, some filters and a dew shield. Of course I'm not really sure what any of those are for but they sound impressive!

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Hi Micheal,

That sounds just like me after last years SGL and I haven't looked back.  A book that really helped with finding my way around and hunting out deep sky objects was Turn left at Orion and a subscription to Sky at night mag is well worth it too.  As someone said above Stellarium free planetarium software is an excellent tool too - I have used it to help me find comets towards the end of last year. 

Good luck! :)

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