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Hello All,

I'm David. I've always been fascinated by the night sky and the science behind the universe. I've always wanted to become more involved in astronomy as a hobby but for one reason or another I've never had the free time available to do so. However with the new year and a new job in the coming months with less out of hours working I should have some more time at my disposal!

After reading through many of the post on this forum giving advice to beginners I'm going to hold of on rushing to buy a scope and instead invest in a decent set of binos until I have managed to become more familiar with the night sky and gathered the required knowledge (and funds) before getting a decent scope and mount in time.

As I'm also into photography, I would like to do some astrophotography which after reading I can see its not cheap thrill by any means :p. I have however attempted some wide field astrophotography and constructed a barn door tracker so that along with my binos should keep me interested while I start putting some savings away!

Thanks for listening and look forward to speaking to you all in the future!


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Hi David and a warm welcome to SGL.

It's good to hear you are really thinking about what sort of scope and mount you will need in the future. The only advice that I would give you is to decide what you want to achieve from this hobby, whether it be AP or observation as it involves quite different kit. You really should future proof anything you buy as far as possible to save you from having to upgrade within a relatively short time.

You may also like to download Stellarium, it's free and it will help you to identify objects in the night sky.

Happy Stargazing and enjoy your Astro journey.

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Hi again, but slow at replying I know but work kept me at bay. Wow! Thanks for all the welcomes and suggestions. Had jobs idea that SGL was such an active and welcoming community! Let's hope your all as welcoming when I start asking daft questions :p.

Thanks for suggesting software, shall have a look at that asap. Hopefully clear sky's permitting I'll get some photos uploaded.

Cheers again all!


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