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Hello & 1st Picture


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Hello to everyone from a complete newby.

I've been interested in photography for a while, and had passing interest in space and astronomy (my late Dad was a physicist and used to delight in telling me lots of things like why only idiots think summer is due to the distance to the sun rather than the angle of inclination and many, many other wonderful things) so a month ago I decided to combine the two, and after some research I bought a Skywatcher 200 on an EQ5 mount plus a moon filter and Canon T-ring.

I've spent quite a while reading and researching and due to our wonderful British weather, had roughly 2 days in the last month with which to get outside. I managed to roughly align the scope, wobble it around and got a wonderful view of Jupiter. Using only the stock Skywatcher 10mm, 25mm and 2x Barlow I was able to make out her beautiful bands and moons - that really surprised me and I am pretty much hooked.

Last weekend the moon was so bright I had to try and take a chance. I shot outside and got her set up... Bolted on the trusty Canon 1100D a bit of jiggery-pokery with the focus and display and I got some shots. I shot in RAW and JPG and haven't had a chance to look at the RAWs yet, but I am surprised at the detail I have managed to capture in the JPG.

So - here's my first picture of the moon! I am quietly quite proud of it, because I never thought I would get the amount of detail I have managed, with Copernicus and Tycho (I think..?) so clearly visible. I have now bought and fitted a motor kit to the EQ5 so I can attempt the next challenge - a shot of Jupiter and her moons.

This is a fantastic forum, and I have learned a huge amount just browsing over the last few weeks - so heartelt thanks to all the generous people who share their experience here. I will certainly try and do the same when I have some!

My next dilemma is eyepieces.... Wow what a range of opions on that! I have come to the conclusion that to get the best out of the 200P I will need one or two good quality fixed pieces, but I can't help but be attracted by the ease of a zoom, so a bit more research on that one before I take the leap. I really to want to find some good deep-space objects and also get some better shots of the moon.

I can't wait until I get another clear night and hopefully Jupiter will still be bright anough for me to try and get a shot. Hope you like my shot of the moon, which is now the wallpaper on my PC.

All the best, and (as they seem to say) Clear Skies!



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Thanks for the messages. If I manage anything decent I'll post it up - I see there's a gallery section.

It's really disheartening to wander out every night and see the sky filled with cloud! But it looks like it's clearing (temperature dropping through 4 degrees) so I might get out tonight!

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