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Hello everybody from Shropshire


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Always had a passing interest in science and astronomy in particular. I've just recieved an Orion xt8 Dob for my 58th birthday from my wife and kids. I've always owned decent bins but this is my first scope. Due to lousy weather recently I've only chance to use it a couple of times but when I did I was awestruck by what I could see. It was almost humbling to see Jupiter with it's bands and 4 moons and the andromeda galaxy.

 I'm now totally hooked and am busy reading up on all aspects while I wait for the clouds to part again. I'm looking forward to talking to you all and I'm sure I'm going to learn alot from you. Best wishes.

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Hi and welcome to the lounge,

once the weather gets colder and more frosty observing will

get better, you have a nice scope there, lot's to observe at the

moment, and longer sessions too, keep warm and enjoy.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us and the mad, mad hobby that is astronomy!! Pull up a chair and enjoy the ride, there's lots to learnt but many people here routing for you and willing to help.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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