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Hello everyone!

I'm pretty new to astronomy, but I've always loved looking at the stars.  For the past few weeks, I've been using my uncle's binoculars to look around.  The first night I saw Jupiter and the Orion nebula, and now I'm pretty much hooked.  My friend was nice enough to buy me a Celestron Astromaster 130eq (early Christmas gift,) and I'm going to take it out for the first time tonight...  there's something about staring up into space that makes me feel so peaceful and calm.  I think the majority of people don't think about space that much, but it's always there and so incredible!  Every time I look up, it puts my life into perspective, and all of my petty, little problems don't seem as big... thinking this might be my new religion.

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Hi FlareStar.

I think a lot of people share your feeling of calm when gazing into the night sky... combined with a hefty side order of wonder.  It's a great hobby as the more you learn, the more you realize how much more there is to learn...

Welcome to SGL.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Observing the night sky appears to generate among many people a sense of awe and wonderment and certainly owning a telescope and its ability to reveal more objects can only magnify these feelings of amazement. Observing the cosmos most definitely puts into perspective the concept of time and how finite it is for us human beings and how much of it we sometimes waste.

Clear skies for your first outing with your new kit and hope you enjoy the forum.


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