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Greetings from Scotland!


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Hello all you stargazers! Just introducing myself. I live in Aberdeen on the North East coast of Scotland and am looking forward to learning a bit about astronomy. I haven't bought a telescope yet -that's partly why I came looking for this kind of forum! I can see I have a lot of reading to do, but even in the short time I've been browsing I've made a small decision about the likely telescope I will buy. I know of no-one else who has any knowledge of telescopes, so I'm going to be learning a lot -quickly! I have a lot of questions, so I'm off to find some threads regarding size, quality, eyepieces, photography, the differences between manual, tracking and goto telescopes...I sure am going to enjoy this!! :laugh:

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Hello from a fellow noob :smiley:

I was thinking about stretching my budget to get a go-to scope, but then I read a few comments about them. Don't get me wrong, they sound like an excellent option. If you want to learn how to navigate the sky, though, then I'd recommend staying away from a go-to scope as a first option.

Get one that you have to point at objects, and you have to learn how to find things.

Get one that you press a button to show you things, and you won't.

Just my thoughts as a beginner. :smiley:

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