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I don't seem to be able to set up an avatar or signature. I think the options should be in the Control Panel, but I'm not seeing them anywhere. Any ideas?

Look under "Settings & Options" in the Control Panel - there are sub-options of "Edit Avatar" and "Edit Signature".

Hope that helps :D

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If you don't see the options and have met the requirements (2 posts and 24 hrs since joined I think) you may need to PM a moderator to get your account fixed. Happened to me last week.

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The HUGE difference between this site and any other technical forum (Linux, SQL etc) i am a member of is how willing people are prepared to answer the most banal of questions. Over and over again. Try that on another forum and they all get mighty peeved by you. Big props to the site and the knowledge, helpfulness and patience of the members.

That has struck me. I've not made many posts but I've always thought that if I post something obvious, or that has been discussed before I'd feel like an idiot.

Not here you don't.

So another thanks from me;)

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Maybe I am being thick but is there a shortcut back to the page that opens when you log on without having to use the back button? i.e if you wander through numerous tabs and want to return to the home page how do you do it?

I have been a member for a short time and find the site easy to navigate. The level and quality of the information in the lounge is really impressive, as a beginner i dont think you could ask for more. The opinions are unbiased, educated and informative without being patronising. I would feel confident about asking questions and genuinly believe that the people who respond to them enjoy doing it. It is good to find such a group of people who are willing to share their experience and knowledge without profiting.

I am proud to be part of this lounge and would recommend it to anyone.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all, i myself is new to all this just find it all amazing of whats out there and all the planets,stars,nebula's,etc,etc,. Always watching programms on tv about it all,,i've been asking questions(sound silly to me)but the reply's back are just honest they all stared of as beginners themselfs their only willing to help out thats what i like about this site,,Gotta find out and see if there's somewhere in Dublin that has a club or somewhere they meet up on nights with there scopes and tag along and enjoy my new hobbie,,,thanks for the welcome,,greg

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Well, I'm overwhelmed by the fact that everyone is so friendly, can be bothered, and clearly want to share with others the experience they have. It is such a change from the competitive way of the world. While there are books on the subject of course, it would be good & useful I think to maybe have a section on having realistic ideas of what you can expect to see with a starter scope. Thus I have looked at Jupiter 4 nights in a row now when clouds are off, thought it would be bigger, but it's growing on me anyway. Also how to find obvious things as a beginner. However, this site is great as it is anyway, makes you feel like you are welcome as part of a community - and there are clearly a fascinating range of people here.


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hile there are books on the subject of course, it would be good & useful I think to maybe have a section on having realistic ideas of what you can expect to see with a starter scope. Thus I have looked at Jupiter 4 nights in a row now when clouds are off, thought it would be bigger, but it's growing on me anyway.


It's difficult to describe in words what you'll see through a scope... whenever anyone asks me what they are likely to see I point them to the Sketches in the >>Imaging board<<

Glad you like it here :)


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Fair point Ant: I just think that massive preconceptions if you read some stuff on the 'net. But the site does plenty already.


Oh without a doubt Steve. It's a huge problem, especially after the stargazing live thing - people just didn't get to see what they thought they would...



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  • 2 weeks later...

im newbie and was amazed how fast i got advice....much needed advice too !! ...wit only being here for a few dayz i have already learnt tons !!! ...

a forum like this is priceless and i have struck gold here.....i know i have a lot more to learn in the comming months/years so this place will always provide me with what i need.....im no big internet user...i do now tho :) .... i now have a good reason to go online more often thanks to this place:D .....such a good read everytime im here....keep up the good work !!!

clear skies..karly :(

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I have only been here a few hours since just last night and I can already tell that this is a place where I might like to stick around. I have been finding it all very daunting before I found this site and the forums here are really helpful especially for complete beginners. There's lots of info and links to info that is helpful and relevant to people like myself. I haven't had much success recently finding help for getting started until I came here.

Not only that but I love the relaxed atmosphere and the friendly, helpful attitude that is encouraged on this site. And I do agree with the no politics/religion one a lot, two topics that probably cause the most arguments on the internet. There's a time and place for these discussions and I don't think it's sites such as this one, I don't know why more specialist sites don't ban the topics. I often end up leaving forums because people start getting nasty about that kind of stuff even when you're not directly involved in the conversation. It's just a shame to see rifts form between people (including friends or people you respected) over these topics and it makes you not want to stick around.

Don't get me wrong I like to talk about religion but I keep it to relevant religion sites and forums.

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I've been pondering about what scope to get for a year now and reading through SGL's posts (searched for via Google) has helped me learn so much. I really like how you don't limit how many posts you can read without being a member, something that a lot of other astronomy forums do, and I soon started adding 'stargazers' to the end of all my Google searches for scope info!

Having said that, I wish I'd joined up months ago as it's a truly friendly place full of people willing to help out us newcomers. I posted my first thread up about which scope to get and within a few hours I had enough feedback from actual owners to finally make a decision. I believe that with SGL's help I've got the very best scope suited to my requirements & interests.

So yeah, a big thanks, please don't change ... I also love the dark look to the site : )

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The wealth of knowledge available through this forum is staggering. Astronomy has so many different specialised areas of interest, yet it seems you can always find someone within SGL who has experience they can draw on to help you, no matter what.

It's also a hobby that can become pretty expensive and, especially these days, having first hand advice on the pros and cons of various pieces of kit before committing to buy is a massively important function of the forum.

The willingness of folk to help, even on questions they've probably heard a hundred times, is overwhelming. I've used the threads on SGL as a guide for a couple of years whilst starting out in the hobby, but always as a follower rather than a contributer. I've never been a big one for posting stuff online, but because the atmosphere within the lounge is extremely relaxed, welcoming and non-critical, I recently decided to become an active member. I'm hoping I can contribute even a small part of the help to others that SGL has provided for me. Maybe that's why the forum is the way it is, 'Do unto others... etc. etc..':)

The format is great, and the layout is easy on the eye. Hard to see how it could improve much to be honest! Keep up the great work on administrating such a valuable resource for the hobby.

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So far, clear skies, glad I found this place.


One thing I noticed is that one's own posts do not show up when clicking "New Posts".

No big deal, just curious, is this a setting in my User Control Panel or is this a global setting across all of the forums?

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So far, clear skies, glad I found this place.


One thing I noticed is that one's own posts do not show up when clicking "New Posts".

No big deal, just curious, is this a setting in my User Control Panel or is this a global setting across all of the forums?

Welcome to SGL! glad you like it here :)

The 'New Posts' will show all unread new posts - I think the software assumes you've already read your own posts :) If you click on 'Control Panel' you'll get to see where new posts have been made in threads you've posted in/created.



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