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If there's only one type of objects you can look at...


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I'm with Qualia on this one, I tend towards planetary, but that's mainly because my kit (and most often my location too) don't lend themselves to galaxy hunting, even though it fascinates me.  The plan for the future includes a big Dob and a dark site (I think this is also the plan that sees me winning the lottery!  :wink:) so then things might change a bit.

Tough to choose though isn't it?  What would you choose Emad?

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When forced to reduce the observing list to a single category, that category would be: astronomical objects.

That is a single category, honest :D

I started out focusing on the solar system, but have found that my suburban garden allows me to see very many DSOs quite well. Besides, I can always pack the scope into the car and drive to a dark site.

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I guess being compromised by LP, on a day to day basis I'm rather partialed to large objects within the Solar system.

Yes, thats more or less my situation too. I'd love to do more extensive deep sky viewing but my garden is a bit limited in that respect and thats where I do 95% of my observing.

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The moon still facinates me.

The shadows change every night, with plenty of craters and surface detail to look at.

It's easy

So if there was only one object, or one type of object to look at - it would be the moon.

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My answer would be, something that shines light.  This covers a lot of items, either solar systems or Deep Sky :grin: If i had to be put on the spot would go for Open Clusters as they can have different star colours in them.


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The sun for me. I would miss the other stuff a lot, but I love the sun and I would get a ton of viewing done (easily over 100 sessions this year). Some sessions I have had less than ten seconds of viewing thanks to the clouds, but still feel I got a good view in.

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My answer would be, something that shines light. 

Solar system objects don't shine light, they reflect it (teasing!) :evil:    Unless it's the big yellow thing that you can't observe without a proper filter...

Moon and planets for me first, followed by open clusters coming a close second.

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I'd wonder why I was being limited to one type of object, and remind the person that part of this hobby that makes it great is variety.

In short, everything. I couldn't limit myself to one type of object, just like I can't limit myself to one scope.

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From my garden, clusters. I'll not say open or globulars because I find that a hard call  given on a  given night and what I feel like and what is in range above me.  

Darker site galaxies.  Am I allowed to have two choices, one for each location or is that cheating ? :D

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Whilst my favourite objects are globular clusters if I was limited only to one type of object ever I'd have to choose planets - more variety and changes over time and whilst occasionally more limited in that they're not always visible they aren't affected by moonlight in the same way other objects are...


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