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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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That's the figure I had, 40 seems about right. Just loaded the car up, not sure where I'm off yet. If it's clear I might go to winscarr but we shall see.

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Have fun Iv just got back from cinema so I'm stoping in


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Cheers Neil, settings were 30 sec exposure ISO 1250 as far as I can remember, white balance was on tungsten to get rid of the orange light pollution.

Thanks Paul

Can't you do just do one image using the bulb setting

And leave the shutter open for 40 mins


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Just been looking with the little 80mm frac.

I have found the vampire star and it very small and also very red. Lovely

Just been out for a look had to walk to the top of the hill, but unfortunately that's where there is a big bank of cloud, next clear night though its first on the list!

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Thanks Paul

Can't you do just do one image using the bulb setting

And leave the shutter open for 40 mins


I suppose so but you risk the chance of the lens dewing up, cloud coming across or accidentally knocking the tripod and ruining all that data. Also I imagine with such a wide angle (approx. 8mm equivalent lens in this case) it would get too bright and you'd lose most of the effect you were trying to capture.
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I'm doing a bit of fun AP with the Star Adventurer and the DSLR. Made myself a DIY "spider" for my 300mm lens to get some diffraction spikes on the bright stars. Done a couple of M45 The Pleiades, Betelgeuse, Aldebaran and the Hyades cluster. Hopefully will get some quick images posted later, however they'll just be single unprocessed images as my laptop still isn't playing ball.

Hope some of you have got out - the clouds are starting to come over so I'll probably be back again soon! :)


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I suppose so but you risk the chance of the lens dewing up, cloud coming across or accidentally knocking the tripod and ruining all that data. Also I imagine with such a wide angle (approx. 8mm equivalent lens in this case) it would get too bright and you'd lose most of the effect you were trying to capture.

Paul yes you are probably right,do you use a intervalometer and what interval setting do you set


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I have a very basic intervalvometer Neil. It is just a button on a cable that can be locked in place to do either single shots or multiple shots. With doing star trails you need as little rest between each shot as possible otherwise you end up with loads of little dots stuck together once stacked. I believe all intervalvometers have the capability to do just multiple shots straight after one another (with a lockable button/switch) without having to program them. It's really easy and straight forward, once it is up and running just leave it and get on with your observing. Just check back every so often to check for dew on the lens. :)

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I have a very basic intervalvometer Neil. It is just a button on a cable that can be locked in place to do either single shots or multiple shots. With doing star trails you need as little rest between each shot as possible otherwise you end up with loads of little dots stuck together once stacked. I believe all intervalvometers have the capability to do just multiple shots straight after one another (with a lockable button/switch) without having to program them. It's really easy and straight forward, once it is up and running just leave it and get on with your observing. Just check back every so often to check for dew on the lens. :)

My camera as a interval timer built in so I could use that thanks


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Vicky what that big white thing to the right a cannon perhaps. Neil

Haha, it does look a bit like the top of my WO scope, but it is the top of next door's down-pipe lol

Juat managed to capture it before it disappeared behind it, and if I go round fron I can't PA properly :)

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