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Sh2-132 in HST palette - Bright colour alert!!!


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Sh2-132 - This is such a lovely target and so overlooked, again I suppose due to it's proximity to IC1396. Bags of Ha and for a change so much OIII that I didn't know what to do with it all!! The OII data was truely something else and I'm sure that can't be down to the 3nm OIII filter.

A tricky one to process this one - Took many iterations and many 'No way, too bright' comments!! I think I've got this to an OK place, but if you don't agree then do say, I'm open to all ideas!



T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EX mono with 3nm NB filters

Ha 13x1800s with flats

OIII 11x 1800s with flats

SII 11x1800s with flats


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Wow - check out those colours! :) I see what you mean about the OIII - must be really nice to have too much data and feel the need to tone it down. I'd leave the colours where they are Sara and just sit back and enjoy them...


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Wow, that's spectacular, Sara! You've revealed so much detail & variety that I didn't even know was there! Congrats on an amazing image :)

edit: Forgot to add, it's super smooth. Very jealous of that camera!

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Utterly magnificent. I love HST palette by the way.

1800s exposures. Wow, brave. A lot of time thrown away if you collect a wobbly one or a satellite passes over. Seen a few folks using that length exposure of late.

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Thank you very much all for your comments, I know it's a 'little' in your face!! But then HST palettes do tend to be rather bright!

@Kirkster - I've been using 1800s subs as a routine now for quite a few months - A satellite trail can generally be taken out with a sigma stacking routine. I find that the extra depth is worth it. I have done some hour subs in the past - they came out OK too!

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There are subtle shades and structures that aren't normally seen in HST images. This must surely become a top target.

Very nice, deep, well framed and processed.

Keep 'em coming Sara,


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This is indeed another stunning image, Sara. My congrats added to the comments above.

I must confess that when I first too a look I thought the colours were a tiny bit over the top, but when I looked at the larger image I changed my mind. There is so much detail and subtle contrast in there. And the great results are down to more than just the astrodon filters, I'll warrant (though I still want them!)

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