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Just wanted to say hello. I'm quite elderly and astronomy has been a part of my life, on and off for many years. I owned a six inch newton from being a teenager but more or less gave up the hobby when I got married, that was 1960. I dragged it out again in 1986 for the return of Halley's Comet but was living in Australia at the time. I finally disposed (scrapped) of it in 2007 when we moved house. I must admit I had a tear in my eye. A couple of years later the bug grabbed me again and I bought a ten inch Skywatcher on a HEQ5 goto mount. It was fantastic but I was hampered by a very bad period of overcast skies. My wife passed away late in 2011 and I decided to return to the UK. The 10'' was too bulky to bring back so I sold it and will be purchasing something new quite soon, but not sure what yet.

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welcome along,I too have dabbed in and out for a few years until about 2yrs ago when it bit me big time!..normally my first words to pass my mouth would be 8" dob,but portability,steps,distance to carry the scope may be an issue.Whats your interest?planets,DSO's,lunar...purely visual or do you want to move over to the dark side! astro photography..how bad is your light pollution?...anyway clear skies to you and good luck,calv.

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Hi and welcome to the lounge,

decisions decisions, not an easy thing, choosing a new scope,

but that is one of the fun things, all scopes are good as long as

you are happy with the results.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Welcome to SGL Starbright.

The loss of a loved one is hard to bear at any time and always leaves a huge hole which can never be filled, My Condolences.

I hope you find a good scope etc soon.

Clear Skies.

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Thanks for the welcome. Just to answer a couple of queries, I don't have a special interest in a particular branch of astronomy, but some areas are, I'm sure you will agree, easier than others. I love taking photographs but I'm not often sucessful due to lack of experience or lack of the right equipment. I have one photo of the crescent moon I'm fond of and I'll upload it if I can. It's a composit of two photos because it's kind of impossible to take this kind of picture with one shot. I look forward to meeting other members sometime in the future and if you have a dark sky site, I'd love to have the details. Thanks all.post-30741-0-99480100-1369668453_thumb.j

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